In conjunction with Black History Month, National Society of Black Engineers chapter president Monique Watkins shares her story.
At Maryland Engineering, we celebrate the array of experiences, stories, and contributions among our community of innovators.
At Maryland Engineering, we recognize and celebrate the diversity of stories and contributions among our students, faculty, staff, and alums.
Professors Baecher, Galloway, and Link voice their concerns in
Civil Engineering.
UMD doctoral graduate Sai Thejaswini Pamuru’s research could help transportation agencies rein in erosion.
Data communications pioneer and the world renowned expert outlines future tech advancements.
Resources and events for the Clark School's LGBTQ+ students and allies.
Become part of a key UMD institute dedicated to interdisciplinary transportation research.
Research could help spur improved institutional operations.
The University of Maryland’s A. James Clark School of Engineering ranks #11 among the country’s public universities in
U.S. News & World Report 2022-23 Best Colleges rankings, rising one spot from #12 in 2022.
UMD researchers track health vulnerabilities among Black communities in Louisiana.
Transportation safety, impact of telecommuting among topics covered by UMD experts.
A multi-institutional project focuses on using mobile phone data to model mobility behavior and anticipate public health risks.
UMD professor is renowned for her work on organic pollutants.
UMD's Deb Niemeier and other prominent researchers assess the new administration's course change on climate.
A grant from The Lemelson Foundation will accelerate environmentally and socially responsible engineering through innovation in undergraduate curricula.
Social and racial inequities built into nation’s flood management system, UMD professors warn.
President-designate calls acts of violence against black community nationwide a 'stain' against UMD values.
Downloadable software developed by Herrmann and colleagues aids in planning clinic design, surges, vaccination allocation and alternative care sites.
An interview with the inaugural Clark Distinguished Chair and MTI faculty affiliate.
Maria Rodriguez is working to obtain data that is needed for recovery and reforestation efforts.
The Clark School joins forces with a Maryland farmer to reduce nutrient pollution to the bay.
incenTrip uses predictive modeling and real-time information to reduce congestion and energy use.
Torero is one of five expert witnesses called by the Inquiry last fall.
David Harris B.S. '73 worked for 35 years in the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.
Marccus Hendricks is an assistant professor in the School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation.
The program offers unique professional development experiences designed to make participants more competitive on the faculty job market
Faculty, staff, and students gave more than 50 presentations during the four-day event.
The season was among the most active in records dating back to 1851.
National and local news outlets turned to University of Maryland engineers for their disaster expertise.
Ryan is slated to complete her master's later this summer.
The two-day event was attended by more than 300 professionals.
Brubaker leads student effort to support UMD's Campus Creek restoration initiative.
CEE's Project Management Center for Excellence draws largest-ever symposium crowd.
Applications for three-credit technical electives due March 1, 2016.
Galloway awarded prestigious 2015 ENR Mid-Atlantic Legacy Award.
Nearly 500 Project Management Volunteers to Provide Guidance for Nonprofits, Social Change Organizations
Inductees recognized for prolific spirit of innovation.
NSF funds innovative interdisciplinary research for Khaligh and McCluskey
CEE Alumnus and Founder of Mapistry Ryan Janoch (M.S., '08) donates stormwater mapping software to ENCE200.
Past recipients include CEE’s Ed Link, retired Members of Congress, Former Secretary of the Army.
Study outlines best practices for the development of a national resilience scorecard.
CEE Assistant Professor Birthe Kjellerup brings expertise in environmental microbiology.
CEE researchers host "Building Blocks for a National Resilience Scorecard" workshop.
CEE Ph.D. student recognized during 2015 Transportation Research Forum Annual Meeting.
Second Annual Baltimore-Washington Event to Draw Project Managers from Industry, Government and Academe
Moving Forward at the Turner Fairbank Highway Research Center of the Federal Highway Administration
Center for Disaster Resilience researchers quoted in
Engineering News-Record article
Summit Set for October 8, 2014 at UNO’s Lindy Boggs International Conference Center from 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.
Five-day event focused on role of engineers in disaster prevention, mitigation, and response.
ITS/ITE MD Student Chapter seminar sponsored by the National Transportation Center @ Maryland
Galloway, Link featured in article, “A Flood Wall against the Future: If Katrina Came to Washington.”
Invitation to nanoelectronics, micro-robotics and cybersecurity collaborations Dec 9 & 10
Summit Set for October 8, 2014 at UNO’s Lindy Boggs International Conference Center from 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m
CEE Senior Research Professor to be inducted Oct. 2014.
Research in "“Systems, Methods, Devices, And Computer Program Products For Control And Performance Prediction In Wireless Networks” is patented.
CEE Professor Elise Miller-Hooks lead PI for disaster resilience research initiative.
NTC@Maryland funded graduate student wins award
The A. James Clark School of Engineering will host a transportation technologies open house Thursday, Aug. 28.
The app is two years old as of October 17, 2013.
Prof. Gerald Galloway testifies before the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.
Clark School study predicts damage from sea level rise brought on by global warming.
Veronica Davis is being honored as a Champion of Change for her time and effort developing innovative ways to help grow and expand the transportation industry.
Audiences include Electricité de France, the Chinese State Grid, the Chinese National Petroleum Corp., and the DOE's Energy Information Administration.
Can't attend on May 21? View ceremony on web or on mobile devices.
The event will be held at the UMUC Inn and Conference Center on campus.
Ed Link, former director of research and development, Army Corps of Engineers, research professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, Md.
Five undergraduates recently attended the 2011 EWB-USA International Conference in Louisville, KY.
ITS-JPO Career Opportunity: Transportation Specialist
Dr. Link's expertise sought internationally.
Dr. Ed Link honored with the highest award of Army Engineer Association and Regiment.
Professors Link and Baecher to deliver Canadian Dam Association keynote lecture
Philip Tarnoff was recently interviewed by CNN's Anderson Cooper on traffic signal timing
Dr. C. C. Fu Interviewed by Kojo Nnamdi on WAMU 88.5 FM Radio
CEE’s Dr. Steven Gabriel and School of Public Policy’s Dr. Matthias Ruth win award from a Norwegian Consortium
Philip Tarnoff offers recommendation for improved management of HRBT and gets media coverage.
This overhaul was part of the university’s new strategic plan, and the new courses are intended to serve as the visible “signature” of the new curriculum.
CapWIN adds University System of Maryland Police barracks to its participants list.
Dr. Galloway is quoted in an article about recent Atlanta flooding.
Bio-Retention Facility is Result of University-Community Partnership
Dr. Gerry Galloway participated in a panel discussion about the recent flooding in North Dakota and Minnesota.
Dr. Gerry Galloway comments on the flood control efforts in Fargo, North Dakota.
Clark School Black Engineers Society named National Distinguished Chapter of the Year.
Dr. Stuart Milner and Chris Davis (ECE) Awarded $1,048,279 by Air Force Office of Scientific Research.
University of Iowa’s symposium features Dr. Gerry Galloway.
CEE’s Dr. Gerry Galloway was quoted in an article about President Barack Obama’s financial relief plan.
Dr. Gerry Galloway interviewed as an expert on the future of flood control strategies by Government Technology online.
CATT’s John Binks and Michael Pack are featured in Between the Columns, UM’s community publication.
CEE’s Dr. Allen Davis has been appointed to the BayStat Program, which was established by Governor Martin O'Malley.
CATT Researcher Stan Young is taking the lead on a new transportation study in Kansas
Our affiliate professor, Dr. Jacques S. Gansler, was recently distinguished by the U.S. Army.
CEE student and UM Baseball Team member Kevin Biringer was one of eight students honored at Shipley Field on May 11, 2008.
Clark School's Galloway, Link contribute to report,
Science article.
The invention, which is called an "autonomous swimming cargo container," has been granted a US patent.
The purpose of the new program is to ensure a stronger voice for the region through dialogue among representatives of government, industry, and NGOs.
The article is titled "Experts toss more variables into new flood model"
CATT's new program, "Operations Academy," deals with the issues of traffic management.
Solypsis co-founder Warren Citrin sets up $250K fund, supports
Great Expectations campaign.
The article titled, "If The Levees Fail In California..." discusses the sub-par condition of the levees from San Francisco to Sacramento, CA.
"Overview and Lesson's learned" and "Ethical Obligations Exposed" are presented by professors Link and Galloway respectively
The award is Granted for Transceiver and Network Technology Developments for Directional Hybrid Wireless Networks
Engineering News-Record honors civil engineering researcher for Hurricane Katrina work.
Dr. Link headed the Interagency Performance Evaluation Taskforce that decoded Hurricane Katrina to improve natural hazard defense
He will be engaged in several national efforts to develop and infuse new approaches to U.S. water resources planning and management
It is the magazine’s highest honor, which will be presented in New York on March 28.
He is the director of IPET that is investigating the performance of the levees around New Orleans
Civil engineering faculty help develop and present recommendations to senior government officials.
Students in Dr. Glenn Moglen's class, ENCE 301 - Geo-metrics and GIS in
Civil Engineering are presenting their semester group projects this
Capital Wireless Integrated on Channel 9.
Philip Tarnoff's quoted in NY Times and International Herald Tribune
Center for advanced transportation technology (CATT) on ABC 7
Philip Tarnoff and Center for Advanced Transportation Technology in "Baltimore Sun" newspaper
Dr. Galloway is quoted in in the December 2005 issue of Governing
Introduction to AutoCAD offered in Winter Term 2006
Patent award received by Chris Davis, Igor Smolyaninov and Stuart D. Milner
Project Management Programs 1st Engineering School to Receive Accreditation
Project Management Programs 1st Engineering School to Receive Accreditation
Project Management Programs 1st Engineering School to Receive Accreditation
Research award for a one year multi-task study on aftermath of Hurricane Katrina
U.S. DOE has announced that it will fund NRMCA’s research proposal.
Dr. Deborah Goodings to be a member of the jury for a World Bank competition called, "Innovations in Water, Sanitation, and Energy Services for Poor People."
Faculty and student researchers participate in the 85th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board
Dr. Seagren and Tim Moore were awarded the 2005 Rudolph Hering Medal