News Story
Announcing Dr. Gerald E. Galloway, Jr. as IWR's 2007 Maass-White Visiting Scholar

Professor Gerald E. Galloway, Jr., 2007 Arthur Maass - Gilbert White Visiting Scholar
ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA – January 30, 2007. Professor Gerald E. Galloway, Jr. has joined IWR as the Institute's 2007 Arthur Maass - Gilbert White Visiting Scholar. Dr. Galloway had been engaged with the Institute on a part-time basis for several years, and his appointment as the next Maass-White Scholar is intended to increase his visibility and interactions at IWR while also extending his technical influence and intellectual engagement within the USACE and the larger U.S. water resources community.
While at IWR in 2007, Professor Galloway will be engaged in several national efforts to develop and infuse new approaches to U.S. water resources planning and management. He has a particular interest in advancing flood risk and flood plain management policies, practices and research, while at the same time furthering the debate on a broad range of national water resources policy issues. In recent years he has been especially active in national flood risk initiatives and FEMA flood hazard mapping modernization efforts, including serving as Chair of FEMA's Interagency Levee Committee.
Dr. Galloway is a Glenn L. Martin Institute Professor of Engineering at the University of Maryland's A. James Clark School of Engineering where he teaches and performs research in civil engineering. He came to the University of Maryland following a 38-year career in the U.S. Army, retiring as Brigadier General, and eight additional years service in the federal government, most of which was associated with water resources management. He served for three years as District Engineer for the USACE in Vicksburg, MS and later, for seven years as a Presidential appointee to the Mississippi River Commission.
Professor Galloway is the former Dean of the faculty and academic programs at the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, and former Dean of the academic board, United States Military Academy at West Point where he was also a professor of geography and the first head of the Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering. In 1993 and 1994 he was assigned to the White House to lead an interagency study of the causes of the Great Mississippi River Flood of 1993 and to make recommendations concerning the nation's floodplain management program. His federal service culminated as Secretary and Principal Advisor to the U.S. Section of the International Joint Commission, Canada and United States.
Professor Galloway holds a PhD in Geography from University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; M.S. in Civil Engineering from Princeton University; Master's degree in Public Administration from Penn State; Master's in Military Art and Science from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College; and a B.S. from the U.S. Military Academy. In 2004 Dr. Galloway was elected a member of the National Academy of Engineering for his distinguished leadership in the management of sustainable water resources and education in environmental engineering, and in July 2006 he was named an honorary member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) - the Society's highest accolade, with active honorary membership conferred upon only 186 of its 139,000 members worldwide.
ASCE had previously honored Dr. Galloway with such awards as the Civil Government Engineer of the Year Award, the Julian Hinds Award and the President's Award. He has also received the SAME Bliss Medal for contributions to engineering education, the SAME Academy of Fellows Golden Eagle Award, the Silver DeFleury Medal from the Army Engineer Association, the Association of State Flood Managers' Goddard-White Award and the United States Geological Survey's John Wesley Powell Award. He is an Honorary Diplomat of the American Academy of Water Resources Engineers, and is a registered professional engineer in New York. He is the 2007 President of the American Water Resources Association (AWRA) and just recently served as the AWRA Co-Chair for the 3rd National Water Policy Dialogue, after serving as the General Chairman of the previous AWRA Dialogues in 2002 and 2005.
It is a distinct honor that he has joined us in this new role – please join me in welcoming Gerry to IWR in his new capacity.
IWR's Maass-White Visiting Scholar Fellowship is designed to ensure that today's water resources challenges benefit from the innovative thinking of the nation's top academics, and to promote a deeper understanding of real-world water resource problems by those in academia. The fellowship honors the late Arthur Maass and Gilbert White - two scholars who had a revolutionary impact on the practice of water resources planning and management. Their ideas on floodplain management and the principles of water resources management are more relevant and accepted today than when they were published decades ago.
Recognizing the importance of scholarship in water resources management, the Institute's Maass-White appointment is offered annually to a scholar whose works promote innovative, substantive reforms in water resources policy, research or analysis. The first three recipients were Professor Daniel (Pete) Loucks of Cornell University in 2002, Dr. Peter Rogers of Harvard University in 2003, and Dr. Leonard Shabman, Resources for the Future, in 2004-2006. The appointment enables a scholar to work on critical contemporary issues alongside the technical staff of the U.S. Army Corps' of Engineer's Institute of Water Resources, either in the Washington DC area or at the Hydrologic Engineering Center in Davis, California.
Published February 5, 2007