Awarded to an undergraduate with financial need who is working to pay for school.
Through the generosity of alumni, industry partners, and friends, CEE offers scholarships to talented undergraduate engineering students with U.S. citizenship. The competitive scholarships are awarded based on merit, need, and a variety of other factors.

To learn more about scholarship programs and application requirements, contact Dimitrios Goulias or Al Santos.
Alvin Aubinoe Scholarship
Ben Dyer Memorial Scholarship
Awarded to one or more juniors or seniors based on merit and interest in environmental engineering, water resources and sewer engineering, or hydrology.
Charles A. Irish, Sr. Chair in Civil Engineering
Awarded to one undergraduate.
Clark Construction Scholarship
Awarded to a senior with a GPA above 3.0 based on merit and financial need. Extracurriculars and leadership may also be considered.
Clark Enterprise Scholarship
Awarded to an undergraduate on the basis of a spirit of enterprise, character, and ethics.
Dan Waldo Scholarship Fund
Awarded to one or more juniors or seniors with the potential for higher-level academic accomplishment.
David W. Fitzgibbons Award
Awarded to one or more seniors or graduate students based on academic merit, financial need, and interest in construction.
Dellburt A. Kidwell, Sr. Memorial
Awarded to up to four undergraduates based on academic merit, financial need, and interest in construction.
Eugene F. Baldi Endowed Scholarship
Awarded to an undergraduate based on academic merit, financial need, and interest in construction.
Frank P. Scrivener Memorial Scholarship
Awarded to a junior or senior based on academic merit, with financial need also taken into account. Preference will be given to Maryland residents.
George M. King Endowment
Awarded to a junior based on academic merit, financial need, and residence in Maryland, preferably Anne Arundel County.
J. Slater Davidson and Louise Davidson Cross Scholarship
Awarded to one or more undergraduates based on financial need, Maryland residency, and interest in construction.
James A. Federline Scholarship
Awarded to a senior or graduate student based on academic merit, including exceptional performance over the past year, financial need, and interest in construction. Preference will be given to Maryland residents, particularly those livingin Anne Arundel County.
James S. Long Scholarship
Awarded to a senior based on academic merit, financial need, interest in construction, and residency in Maryland, Virginia, or Washington, DC.
John F. Miller, III Scholarship
Awarded to a senior based on academic merit, financial need, interest in construction, and residency in Maryland, Virginia, or Washington, DC.
Leonard DiGiulian Scholarship
Awarded to a senior based on academic merit, and interest in construction, with preference given to residents of Maryland, Virginia, or Washington, D.C. Financial need will also be considered.
Maryland Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers
Awarded to a junior or senior based on academic merit, financial need, and involvement in the American Society of Civil Engineers.
Miller and Long Company of Maryland, Inc. Scholarship
Awarded to a senior based on academic merit, financial need, interest in construction or structural engineering, and residency in Maryland, Virginia, or Washington, DC.
Perry Laudenslager Memorial
Awarded to a junior or senior who is active in the American Society of Civil Engineers and has at least a 2.5 GPA.
Professor Conrad P. Heins, Jr. Scholarship in Structural Engineering
Awarded to one or more juniors or seniors based on academic merit, financial need, and interest in construction or structural engineering.
Richard and Eleanor Reed Scholarship
Awarded to one or more undergraduates with Maryland residency who have financial need and a GPA over 2.8.
Richard and Stefanie Vogel Endowed Scholarship
Awarded to one or more undergraduates with an interest, preferably, in a career in construction.
Robert L. Anderson Memorial Scholarship in Construction Management
Awarded to one or more undergraduates based on academic merit, financial need, and interest in construction.
The County Engineers Association of Maryland Roger H. Willard Scholarship
Awarded to a junior with finanical need who has been a Maryland resident for over five years and has a GPA over 2.8.
The County Engineers Association of Maryland Roger H. Willard Scholarship in Memory of Wilson T. Ballard
Awarded to a junior with finanical need who has been a Maryland resident for over five years and has a GPA over 2.8.
The County Engineers Association of Maryland Roger H. Willard Scholarship in Memory of John H. Marburger, Jr.
Awarded to a junior with finanical need who has been a Maryland resident for over five years and has a GPA over 2.8.
The County Engineers Association of Maryland Roger H. Willard Scholarship in Memory of George F. Neimeyer
Awarded to a junior with finanical need who has been a Maryland resident for over five years and has a GPA over 2.8.
The David T. Crockett, Sr. and Josephine G. Crockett Scholarship in Civil Engineering
Awarded to one or more undergraduates based on academic merit, with preference given to residents of Washington County, Maryland.
Thomas C. and Barbara M. Crane Engineering Scholarship for Juniors and Seniors
Awarded to one senior and one junior with a GPA of at least 3.2 based on merit and leadership. Financial need will also be considered. The junior may extend the award another year if they maintain at least a 3.2 GPA.
Tow H. Moy Civil Engineering Scholarship
Awarded to one or more undergraduates based on academic merit and financial need, with preference given to those from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Weisgerber Undergraduate Scholarship
Awarded to one or more undergraduates.
Whiting-Turner Endowed Scholarship
Awarded to one or more undergraduates based on academic merit and financial need, with preference given to those with an interest in a career in construction.
Whiting-Turner Scholarship-Internship
Awarded to three, four, or five juniors each year based on academic merit and interest in construction. The award is ongoing for up to four years.