News Story
CEE's Drs. Gerry Galloway, Ed Link, and Dave Lovell to Pilot New I-Series Courses

Professors Gerry Galloway, Ed Link, and Dave Lovell
Three faculty members from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering have been chosen to pilot two of the 24 new courses announced today by the University of Maryland as part of the CORE undergraduate education overhaul. This overhaul was part of the university’s new strategic plan, and the new courses are intended to serve as the visible “signature” of the new curriculum. The courses are dubbed “I”-courses because they stress issues, imagination, intellect, investigation, inspiration, innovation, implementation.
Drs. Gerry Galloway and Ed Link will deliver a course called “Managing Natural Disasters: Hurricanes, Floods, Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Tsunamis, & Fires.” In this course, they will examine natural disasters and how to manage the hazards that result though engineering and non-engineering approaches. The core of the class will be risk estimation and assessment, leading to improved public and government decision-making.
Dr. Dave Lovell will teach a course called “Engineering in the Developing World.” This course will address practical ways to improve health and well-being in the developing world through engineering solutions. Students will learn the basic principles behind systems for supplying the necessities of life—water, food, shelter, hygiene, energy—making comparisons with the methods and lessons learned in the developed world. The course will cooperate closely with Maryland’s student chapter of “Engineers without Borders.”
A complete list of the new courses and descriptions thereof can be found here.
Published October 22, 2009