Faculty Directory

Davis, Allen P.

Davis, Allen P.

Associate Chair for Faculty Development and Advancement
Charles A. Irish Sr. Chair in Civil Engineering
Affiliate Professor, Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Maryland Energy Innovation Institute
1151 Glenn L. Martin Hall

Prof. Davis has been named a 2022 University of Maryland Distinguished Scholar-Teacher


  • B.S., University of Delaware, 1984
  • M.C.E., University of Delaware, 1986
  • Ph.D., University of Delaware, 1989

  • Water quality and physiochemical treatment processes
  • Urban storm water quality characterization and treatment
  • Fundamental and applied research on stormwater control measures
  • Development of media and designs for enhanced stormwater quality improverment

Enhancing phosphorous removal in permeable paving

Principal Investigator(s): Davis, Allen P.

This project will provide research and development support for a sub-base material to be used with PaverGuide, a base material for permeable paving. This paving reduces sediment, nitrogen, and phosphorus runoff into the Chesapeake Bay. Specific emphasis is on phosphorus removal. More information about this project is available online.

Evaluation of compost addition to stormwater control measure (SCM) performance

Principal Investigator(s): Davis, Allen P.

Recent state law encourages the use of compost throughout the landscape. This project evaluates the possibility of using compost in bioretention and submerged gravel wetland stormwater control measures. Emphasis is on understanding, quantifying, and minimizing leaching of nitrogen and phosphorus from the compost. More information about this project is available online.

LIDMIX Stormwater Treatment System

Principal Investigator(s): Davis, Allen P.


Use of Compost to Establish Permanent Vegetation

Principal Investigator(s): Davis, Allen P., & Aydilek, Ahmet

  • ENCE 412:   Environmental Engineering Unit Operations
  • ENCE 650:  Process Dynamics in Environmental Systems
  • ENCE 751:  Chemistry of Natural Waters II


     Davis, A.P., Hunt, W.F., and Traver, R.G. Green Stormwater Infrastructure: Fundamentals and Design, Wiley. ISBN 978-1-118-59019-5, 528 pages (2022).




UMD Civil and Environmental Engineering in Top 20

Department soars to #19 among publics in the latest USWNR graduate rankings.

Roadside Soil Amendments: Finding the Right Mix

UMD doctoral graduate Sai Thejaswini Pamuru’s research could help transportation agencies rein in erosion.

Engineering Students Fabricate Tomorrow’s Solutions Today

Inaugural Capstone Design Expo Highlights Real-World Innovations

Pamuru Wins CREF Scholarship

UMD doctoral student is conducting research on compost-biochar mixtures.

Austin is PI for new DoD Minerva Research Initiative project

Research could help spur improved institutional operations.

Maryland Engineers Awarded Grants to Address Humanity's Grand Challenges

Twelve projects led by or involving Maryland Engineering faculty have been awarded funding through the Grand Challenges Grants Program, the largest and most comprehensive program of its kind ever introduced at the University of Maryland.

CEE Student Wins Outstanding Graduate Assistant Award

CEE Ph.D. candidate, Kristen Croft, wins Outstanding Graduate Research Assistant Award.

Davis Named Distinguished Scholar-Teacher

Recognition honors excellence in research and teaching.

O'Shaughnessy Wins 3MT Competition

O'Shaughnessy's 3MT presents research on engineering solutions to transportation systems.

Legacy of Racism Linked to Higher COVID-19 Death Rates

UMD researchers track health vulnerabilities among Black communities in Louisiana.

Attoh-Okine Named UMD CEE Chair

University of Delaware Professor, ASCE Fellow to lead department.

Environmental Cleanup: Kjellerup Develops “Treatment Train”

DoD taps UMD expertise to tackle risks of stormwater contamination.

Welcome, NAE Members

The Clark School welcomes six National Academy Engineering members who will be returning to or joining our faculty this fall.

UMD Names Deb Niemeier as Inaugural Clark Distinguished Chair

Niemeier is the first of several endowed Clark Distinguished Chairs to be appointed through the Clark Foundation investment.

Clark School students land prestigious NOAA scholarships

Jessica Boyer and Amanda O'Shaughnessy were selected for a program that recognizes outstanding students in fields that support NOAA's mission.

Report Recommends Improvements to Industrial Stormwater Program

A National Academies study committee chaired by Civil and Environmental Engineering Professor Allen P. Davis is recommending steps the EPA can take to strengthen the moniitoring and management of industrial stormwater.

Prince George’s County Stormwater Collaboration Taps Recycled Material to Safeguard Chesapeake Bay

The latest from a partnership of University of Maryland researchers, county officials, nonprofits, and private-sector leaders.

Can Cascading Pools Help Restore the Chesapeake Bay?

The Clark School joins forces with a Maryland farmer to reduce nutrient pollution to the bay.

Davis to Serve as Faculty Mentor for NSF-Funded Global STEWARDS Program

The program will recruit and train more than 60 doctoral students. 

CEE-Led Research Featured in ES&E Magazine

It's among the first to examine how the buildup of metals in a treatment system affects microbial activity.

UMD Awarded $1.4 Million to Design New Treatment for PCBs, Heavy Metals in Stormwater

The three-year project aims to improve water quality in critical waterways like the Chesapeake Bay and Puget Sound.

CEE Experts Active at TRB 97th Annual Meeting

Faculty, staff, and students gave more than 50 presentations during the four-day event.

Allen P. Davis to Chair National Academies Committee

The committee will recommend improvements to the national industrial stormwater permitting program.

Meet the Alumnus Who Brought Stormwater Management to Silicon Valley

Mapistry software helps industrial facilities navigate stormwater regulations.

Allen P. Davis Receives Outstanding Alumni Award

Davis is an international leader in urban stormwater management and treatment.

Fourth Annual Project Management Symposium Draws Record Crowd

The two-day event was attended by more than 300 professionals.

UMD Environmental Engineers to Study Effectiveness of Compost in Stormwater Management

Findings could empower transportation officials nationwide to more effectively manage stormwater runoff while also making use of recycled byproducts.

Travis Ostrom Awarded Future Faculty Fellowship

The CEE student is one of 20 chosen for the program by the A. James Clark School of Engineering.

Second Annual Project Management Symposium Features NASA, U.S. GAO Keynotes

Symposium brings together project management professionals, academia from across the globe.

Davis Named ASCE EWRI Fellow

CEE Professor Allen Davis named a Fellow of ASCE's Environmental and Water Resources Institute.

Coming Together in the Name of Project Management

Experts from Industry, Government, and Academe to Gather for Second Annual UMD Project Management Symposium

UMD Project Management Symposium Early-Bird Deadline Wednesday, April 15

Two-Day Event to Feature Five Keynotes, Topic-Specific Session Breakouts, and Multiple Networking Receptions

Project Management Symposium Early-Bird Registration Deadline Fast Approaching

UMD Symposium to Feature Speakers from NASA, Clark Construction Group, and More

Project Management Symposium to Feature NASA Chief Knowledge Officer Ed Hoffman

Second Annual Baltimore-Washington Event to Draw Project Managers from Industry, Government and Academe

Project Management Symposium to Offer Inside Look at the Future of the Field

Keynotes Include Dr. Harold Kerzner of the International Institute for Learning

UMD Clark School Highlights Disaster Resilience at Mpact Week

Five-day event focused on role of engineers in disaster prevention, mitigation, and response.

Davis Contributes Expertise to Stormwater Management Summit

CEE Professor Allen Davis discussed advances in regional stormwater management.

UMD Researchers Address Water Management, Sustainability Challenges

Researchers are developing cutting-edge water treatment, reutilization and quality improvement techniques

Davis Contributes Expertise to ASCE, EPA Initiatives

Professor Allen Davis was named to two initiatives focused on advancing research to improve water quality in the United States.

UMD Hosts Symposium on Disaster Resilience Co-Sponsored by NAE, NSF

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering holds symposium on tri-state region disaster response.

Prince George's County Awards Dr. Davis a $632,000 Grant

Dr. Allen P. Davis was recently awarded a $632,000 grant by the Prince George's County Government

Dr. Allen Davis Appointed to NRC Committee on FL Numeric Nutrient Criteria

Review of EPA's Economic Analysis of Final Water Quality Standards for Nutrients for Lakes and Flowing Waters in Florida is the subject of research.

CEE Student Wins 2nd Place in Dean's Masters Student Research Award Competition

Golnaz Khorsa, a Civil and Environmental Engineering graduate student, won second place in the 2011 Dean's Masters Student Research Award Competition.

Dean's Master's Student Research Awards Announced

Research on flapping wing vehicles and food-service byproducts recognized.

Carmen Frank Won 2nd Runner-up Award at Geo-Frontiers Conference

The paper, entitled Geosynthetic Filters for Water Quality Improvement of Urban Stormwater Runoff was co-authored by Carmen's advisors Allen Davis and Ahmet Aydilek.

Dr. Davis Named a Diplomate by AAWRE

The D.WRE represents strong professional ethics and a commitment to life-long learning and continuing professional development

Davis Recognized for Outstanding Research

Work on bioretention earns civil engineering professor Clark School honor.

Dr. Allen Davis Awarded Grant by PG County Govt.

Reductions in Runoff: Dr. Allen Davis’ Work Recognized by PG County Govt.

Bio-Filtration System Promises Less Chesapeake Pollution

Demonstration project to make green campus greener, aid Anacostia.

CEE’s Dr. Allen Davis Appointed to the BayStat Program Scientific Advisory Panel

CEE’s Dr. Allen Davis has been appointed to the BayStat Program, which was established by Governor Martin O'Malley.

Announcing Dr. Gerald E. Galloway, Jr. as IWR's 2007 Maass-White Visiting Scholar

He will be engaged in several national efforts to develop and infuse new approaches to U.S. water resources planning and management

Dr. Allen Davis Named "Fellow" By ASCE

Dr. Allen Porter Davis, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE named "Fellow" by ASCE

Prof. Allen Davis awarded $500,000 contract by MD SHA

Professor Allen P. Davis has been awarded a $500,000 contract by the Maryland SHA