Faculty Directory

Reilly, Allison

Reilly, Allison

Pedro E. Wasmer Professor in Engineering
Associate Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Center for Risk and Reliability
1174 Glenn L. Martin Hall

OFFICE HOURS (Spring 2024)

  • Wednesdays, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM (in office)
  • Fridays, 9:00 - 9:45 AM (via zoom - contact me for link)
  • By appointment


Allison Reilly an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Maryland, College Park. Her research focuses on identifying governance systems that enable resilient infrastructure and strong communities. She has a particular focus of recent on risk equity in rural, coastal communities vulnerable to sea-level rise, and how investments in transportation infrastructure that are integrated within broader resilience strategies may enable more just transitions. She is also a scholar in the area of federal disaster policy, and how the current paradigm fuels risk in the build environment.

She is the recipient of a 2022 NSF CAREER Award, and a 2019 National Academy of Science Gulf Coast Research Early-Career Fellowship. She is currently an associate editor in the area of risk and resilience for the ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems and an editorial boardmember for the journals Risk Analysis and Decision Analysis. Prior to her appointment at the University of Maryland, Dr. Reilly was a research fellow at the University of Michigan and a post-doctoral researcher at Johns Hopkins University. In addition, Dr. Reilly was a research analyst for a federally-funded research and development center in support of the Department of Homeland Security. Dr. Reilly holds an MS and Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Cornell University and a BS in Civil Engineering from Johns Hopkins University. 

  • Hazard risk assessments
  • Decision-making
  • Infrastructure system performance and protection

  • FEMA’s Public Assistance Program and its role in community recovery
  • Assessing resilience of Maryland state parks
  • Adaptation of municipal infrastructure under sea level rise

  • ENCE 302 Probability and Statistics for Civil and Environmental Engineers
  • ENCE 430/632 Resilience of Infrastructure Systems

  • Best, K., He, Q., Reilly, A. C., Niemeier, D. A., Anderson, M., & Logan, T. (2023). Demographics and risk of isolation due to sea level rise in the United States. Nature communications14(1), 7904.
  • Best, K.B., Q. He., A.C. Reilly, N. Tran, and D. Niemeier. (2023) “Rent Affordability after Hurricanes: Longitudinal Evidence from U.S. Coastal States” Risk Analysis [accepted].
  • Logan T.M., M. Anderson, and A.C. Reilly. (2023) “Risk of isolation: Revising the estimated burden of sea-level rise” Nature Climate Change, 13, 397-402.
  • Najarkolaie, K., M. Bensi, and A.C. Reilly. (2023) “Near-Term and Long-Term Inundation Risk Insights for Contaminated Sites in the U.S.” ASCE Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste, 27(1), 04022043.
  • Best, K.B, S. Kerr, A.C. Reilly, A. Patwardhan, D. Niemeier, and Guikema, S. (2023). Spatial regression identifies socioeconomic inequality in multi-stage power outage recovery after Hurricane Isaac. Natural Hazards, 117(1), 851-873.
  • Zhai, C., A.C. Reilly, and S.D. Guikema. (2023). “Individual learning as a driver of changes in community vulnerability under repeated hurricanes and changing climate.” Risk Analysis, 43(4), 762-782.
  • Frimpong E., A.C. Reilly, and D. Niemeier. (2022) “Federal flood mitigation assistance and the community’s response to flood risk mitigation.” Risk Analysis [accepted]. 
  • Ghaedi, H., A.C. Reilly, H. Baroud, D.V. Perrucci, and  C.M. Ferreira. (2022) “Predicting flood damage using the flood peak ratio and Giovanni Flooded Fraction.” PLoS ONE, 17(8), e0271230.
  • Jasour, Z.Y., A.C. Reilly, G. Tonn, and C. Ferriera. (2022) “Roadway flooding as a bellwether for household retreat in rural, coastal regions vulnerable to sea-level rise.” Climate Risk Management.
  • Reilly, A.C., H. Baroud, R. Flage, and M. Gerst. (2021) “Sources of uncertainty in interdependent infrastructure and their implications.” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 107756. 
  • Tonn, G., Reilly, A.C., Czajkowski, J., Ghaedi, H., and Kunreuther, H. (2021). “US transportation infrastructure resilience: Influences of insurance, incentives, and Public Assistance.” Transport Policy, 100, 108-119. 
  • Johnson, C.A., A.C. Reilly, R. Flage, and S.D. Guikema. (2021) “Characterizing the robustness of power-law networks that experience spatially-correlated failures.” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, 235(3), 403-415. 
  • Reilly, A.C., R. Dillon, and S. Guikema. (2021) “Agent-Based Models as an Integrating Boundary Object for Interdisciplinary Research” Risk Analysis, 41(7): 1087-1092. 

UMD Civil and Environmental Engineering in Top 20

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Researchers: Hurricanes Disproportionately Affect Renters

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Waters Awarded DOE Fellowship

A UMD doctoral student will receive generous support for her research on disaster resilience and equity.

Hu, Waters Win Thesis Awards

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Sea Level Rise Could Leave Many Marooned

Long before they become submerged, at-risk communities could be cut off due to unusable roads.

Grant Awarded for Study of Climate-Induced Septic Tank Failures

A research team led by UMD’s Allison Reilly examines a growing hazard.

Attoh-Okine Named UMD CEE Chair

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Maryland Engineering Graduate Programs: Top 10 Public, Four Years in a Row

Maryland Engineering earns a top spot in the 2023 U.S. News & World Report Best Graduate Schools rankings among over 200 colleges.

Allison Reilly Wins NSF CAREER Award

CEE researcher to study resilience disincentives baked into federal public assistance programs.

No Easy Way Home

Zeinab Yahyazadeh Jasour tracks the impact of rising sea levels on Eastern Shore road networks.

More Effective, Equitable Disaster Policy

Three leading disaster scientists--Deb Niemeier, Allison Reilly and A.R. Siders--present a roadmap for change.

Researchers Urge Overhaul of Disaster Policy

The Day One Project has tapped a proposal led by UMD’s Allison Reilly as one of 100 sci-tech ideas for the next U.S. administration.

UMD’s Reilly Lands Gulf Research Program Fellowship

Award will support research on inequities in disaster relief.

What Does a Pair of Dice Have to Do With Disaster Recovery?

Resilience experts use gaming techniques and more to understand utility operator behaviors.

UMD Resilience Experts Awarded NSF Grant to Accelerate Disaster Recovery

The $750,000 CRISP grant will allow the team to investigate operator decision-making following disasters.

Glenn L. Martin Wind Tunnel Featured in the News

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UMD Resilience Experts Offer Insights Throughout Active Atlantic Hurricane Season

The season was among the most active in records dating back to 1851.

UMD Engineers Answer Questions about Record-Breaking Harvey, Flooding

National and local news outlets turned to University of Maryland engineers for their disaster expertise.

Allison Reilly Joins CEE Faculty

CEE assistant professor contributes expertise in hazard risk assessments, infrastructure system performance and protection.