News Story
New Funding Opportunity for MTI Faculty Affiliates

The Maryland Transportation Institute (MTI) is proud to announce its MTI Initiative Leader and Faculty Incentive program, designed to support new research programs and labs, advance transportation research and development, and foster multidisciplinary collaboration and major external research funding.
Under the program, selected faculty leaders and their proposed initiatives will be supported by MTI resources and staff, with approximately $25K in discretionary funds available for each initiative. This year, MTI expects to fund between 6-8 initiative areas. The deadline for proposal submission is January 31, 2020.
The program is open to MTI-affiliated tenure, tenure track, and professional track faculty members at the University of Maryland—College Park (UMCP). Joint submissions are eligible for consideration.
All proposals must contain a research plan that includes, among other components, a title and brief description of the proposed initiative; a two-year plan to develop and grow the proposed initiative, and information about initiative team members and their home departments. The complete set of submission requirements, eligibility and funding information, Initiative Leader responsibilities, and the review process can be found here.
Please note that proposals that do not comply with the requirements will not be considered for funding under the program. Proposals should be emailed to To learn more about MTI and the Initiative Leader program, or to inquire about becoming an MTI affiliate, please email the MTI Director, Dr. Lei Zhang, and copy MTI Assistant Director, Catherine LaPadula.
Published January 10, 2020