News Story
Schonfeld Receives ASCE’s James Laurie Prize

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) has selected Paul Schonfeld, a civil engineering professor at the University of Maryland, to receive its 2018 James Laurie Prize. The award, which bears the name of ASCE’s founding president, is given once annually for significant contributions to the advancement of transportation engineering.
Over the last 40 years, Schonfeld has led the development of numerous innovative methods spanning multiple transportation modes. His primary research areas include urban public transportation systems, road location and design, freight logistics, and air transportation.
Schonfeld is a fellow of the Institute of Transportation Engineers and ASCE as well as a member of several Transportation Research Board and ASCE committees. He is the author of over 400 publications, including 142 peer-reviewed journal articles. He is also a former editor of the Journal of Advanced Transportation and ASCE’s Journal of Transportation Engineering.
Published February 16, 2018