News Story
Clark School Students Study Urban Infrastructure in Turin, Italy

Earlier this season, University of Maryland A. James Clark School of Engineering students participated in a two-week course on Sustainable Green Infrastructure for the Urban Environment in partnership with Politecnico di Torino in Turin, Italy.
Under the leadership of Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Associate Professor Dimitrios Goulias, the three-credit course held from May 23 – June 7, 2015, exposed students to the theoretical framework, concepts, and techniques required to develop green infrastructure solutions for alternative urban environments, complex spatial systems encompassing mobility, environment, energy, and social well-being.
Clark School students from a variety of engineering disciplines teamed up with Politecnico di Torino students in macro- and micro-groups to redesign specific city locations from the ground up, applying sustainable principles. Students applied the fundamental concepts taught in a workshop setting environment by multidisciplinary faculty experts from the two institutions as well as the University of Michigan, Politecnico di Milan, University of Turin, Tulane University and Polytechnic Institute of Porto and Viseu. The students presented and defended their projects and technical reports in a conference setting to a panel of faculty, industry experts and City of Turin public officials.
View the full gallery of photos online.
Published August 10, 2015