Faculty Directory

Schonfeld, Paul

Schonfeld, Paul

Civil and Environmental Engineering
3134 Jeong H. Kim Engineering Building


  • Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1978
  • M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1974
  • B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1974



  • Transportation Engineering
  • Urban Public Transportation Systems
  • Freight Logistics
  • Infrastructure Location and Design
  • Air Transportation 
  • Inland Waterways
  • Maintenance Planning and Scheduling 
  • Transportation Network Development
  • Infrastructure Maintenance Management



     ENCE 370 - Fundamentals of Transportation Engineering 

     ENCE 463 - Engineering Economics and Systems Analysis 

     ENCE 466 - Design of Civil Engineering Systems (Capstone) 

     ENCE 472 - Transportation Engineering 

     ENCE 474 - Rail and Mass Transit Engineering -



     ENCE 672 - Regional Transportation Planning 

     ENCE 674 - Public Transportation Planning 

     ENCE 675 - Airport Planning and Design 

     ENCE 681 – Freight Transportation Analysis 




  1. Tsao, S.M., and Schonfeld, P.  “Optimization of Zonal Transit Service,” J. of Transp. Engineering, ASCE, 109-2, March 1983, 257-272.
  2. Tsao, S.M., and Schonfeld, P.  “Branched Transit Services: An Analysis,” J. of Transp. Engineering, ASCE, 110-1, Jan. 1984, 112-128.
  3. Carter, E., Chadda, H., and Schonfeld, P.  “A Comparison of Transportation Planning in Developed and Developing Countries,” Transp. Quarterly, Jan. 1984, 69-86.
  4. Meer, A., and Schonfeld, P.  “Small Cars: Problems and Opportunities,” ITE Journal, March 1984, 49-53.
  5. Hu, Y.C., and Schonfeld, P.  “Simulation and Optimization of Regional Networks,” J. of Transp. Engineering, ASCE, 110-4, July 1984, 431-443.
  6. Hu, Y.C., and Schonfeld, P.  “Optimizing Traffic Diversion Around Bottlenecks,” Transp. Research Record 957, 1984, 22-27.
  7. Schonfeld, P., and Frank, S.  “Optimizing the Utilization of a Containership Berth,” Transp. Research Record 984, 1984, 50-63.
  8. Chadda, H., and Schonfeld, P.  “Are Pedestrians Safe at Right on Red Intersections?” J. of Transp. Engineering, ASCE, 111-1, Jan. 1985, 1-16.
  9. Schonfeld, P., and Chadda, H.  “Automobile Travel Reduction Options for Urban Areas,” ITE Journal, April 1985, 44-48.
  10. Schonfeld, P. and Chadda, H.  “An Assessment of Urban Travel Reduction Options,” Transp. Quarterly, July 1985, 391-406.
  11. Schonfeld, P., and Sharafeldien, O.  “Optimal Berth and Crane Combinations in Container Ports,” J. of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, ASCE, 111-6, Nov. 1985, 1060-1072.
  12. Chen, C.S., and Schonfeld, P.  “Optimum Stall Angle for Large Parking Lots,” J. of Transp. Engineering, ASCE, 114-5, Sept. 1988, 574-583.
  13. Chang, S.K. and Schonfeld, P.  “Optimization Models for Comparing Conventional and Subscription Bus Feeder Services,” Transp. Science, 25-4, Nov. 1991, 281-298.
  14. Chang, S.K. and Schonfeld, P.  “Multiple Period Optimization of Bus Transit Systems,” Transp. Research Part B: Methodological, 25B-6, Dec. 1991, 453-478.
  15. Lee, K.T. and Schonfeld, P.  “Optimal Slack Times for Timed Transfers at a Transit Terminal,” J. of Advanced Transp., 25-3, Fall 1991, 281-308.
  16. Chang, S.K. and Schonfeld, P.  “Integration of Fixed and Flexible Route Bus Systems,” Transp. Research Record 1308, 1991, 51-57.
  17. Dai, D.M. and Schonfeld, P.  “Simulation of Waterway Transportation Reliability,” Transp. Research Record 1313, 1991, 98-105.
  18. Carter, E., and Schonfeld, P.  “Safety Belt Use and Highway Safety in Maryland,” Transp. Research Record 1325, 1991, 45-50.
  19. Wei, C.H., Dai, D.M. and Schonfeld, P.  “Computational Characteristics of a Numerical Model for Series of Waterway Queues,” Transp. Research Record 1333, 1992, 45-54.
  20. Martinelli, D., Dai, D.M., Schonfeld, P. and Antle, G.  “A Methodology for Planning Interdependent Waterway Improvements,” Transp. Research Record 1383, June 1993, 49-57.
  21. Chang, S.K. and Schonfeld, P.  “Optimal Dimensions of Bus Service Zones,” J. of Transp. Engineering, ASCE, 119-4, July/Aug. 1993, 567-585.
  22. Wei, C.H. and Schonfeld, P.  “An Artificial Neural Network Approach for Evaluating Transportation Network Improvements,” J. of Advanced Transp., Vol. 27-2, Summer 1993, 129-152.
  23. Chang, S.K. and Schonfeld, P.  “Welfare Maximization with Financial Constraints for Bus Transit Systems,” Transp. Research Record 1395, Aug. 1993, 48-57.
  24. Spasovic, L.N. and Schonfeld, P.  “A Method for Optimizing Transit Service Coverage,” Transp. Research Record 1402, Oct. 1993, 28-39.
  25. Ramanathan, V. and Schonfeld, P.  “Approximate Delays Caused by Lock Service Interruptions,” Transp. Research Record 1430, Jan. 1994, 41-49.
  26. Lee, K.T. and Schonfeld, P.  “Real - time Dispatching Control for Coordinated Operations in Transit Terminals,” Transp. Research Record 1433, Sept. 1994, 3-9.
  27. Wei, C.H. and Schonfeld, P.  “Multi - period Network Improvement Model,” Transp. Research Record 1443, Oct. 1994, 110-118.
  28. Kim, Y.M. and Schonfeld, P.  “Neural Network Estimation of Lock Service Times,” Transp. Research Record 1497, July 1995, 36-43. 
  29. Lee, K.T., Kuo, H.F. and Schonfeld, P.  “Optimal Mixed Bus Fleet for Urban Operations,” Transp. Research Record 1503, July 1995, 39-48.
  30. Chang, C. and Schonfeld, P.  “Flight Sequencing in Airport Hub Operations,” Transp. Research Record 1506, July 1995, 26-33.
  31. Martinelli, D. and Schonfeld, P.  “Approximating Delays at Interdependent Locks,” J. of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, ASCE, 121-6, Nov. 1995, 300-307.
  32. Ting, C.J. and Schonfeld, P.  “Effects of Tow Sequencing on Lock Capacities and Service Times,” J. of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, ASCE, 122-1, Jan./Feb. 1996, 16-26.
  33. Kim, D.N. and Schonfeld, P.  “Benefits of Dipped Vertical Alignments for Rail Transit Routes,” J. of Transportation Engineering, ASCE, 123-1, Jan./Feb. 1997, 20-27.
  34. Chien, S. and Schonfeld, P.  “Optimization of Grid Transit Systems in Heterogeneous Urban Environments,” J. of Transportation Engineering, ASCE, 123-1, Jan./Feb. 1997, 28-35.
  35. Dai, D.M. and Schonfeld, P.  “Metamodels for Estimating Delays through Series of Waterway Queues,” Transp. Res. Part B: Methodological, 32B-1, Jan. 1998, 1-19.
  36. Wei, C.H. and Schonfeld, P.  “A Research Framework for Cost-Effective Highway Maintenance Planning,” Public Works Management and Policy, 2-4, April 1998, 340-349.
  37. Ting, C.J. and Schonfeld, P.  “Optimization through Simulation of Waterway Transportation Investments,” Transp. Research Record 1620, 1998, 11-16.
  38. Chien, S. and Schonfeld, P.  “Joint Optimization of a Rail Transit Line and its Feeder Bus System,” J. of Advanced Transp., 32-3, Fall 1998, 253-284.
  39. Ting, C.J. and Schonfeld, P.  “Integrated Control for Series of Waterway Locks,” J. of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 124-4, July/Aug. 1998, 199-206.
  40. Schonfeld, P. and Chien, S.  “Optimal Work Zone Length for Two-Lane Highways,” J. of Transp. Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 125-1, Jan./Feb. 1999, 21-29.
  41. Ting, C.J. and Schonfeld, P.  “Effects of Speed Control on Tow Travel Costs,” J. of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, ASCE, 125-4. July/Aug. 1999, 203-206.
  42. Jong, J.C. and Schonfeld, P.  “Cost Functions for Optimizing Highway Alignments,” Transp. Research Record 1659, Aug. 1999, 58-67.
  43. Zhu, L, Schonfeld, P., Kim, Y. M. Flood, I. and Ting C. J.  “Waterway Network Analysis with Artificial Neural Networks,” Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, v13, 1999, 365-375.
  44. Jong, J.C., Jha, M. and Schonfeld, P.  “Preliminary Highway Design with Genetic Algorithms and Geographic Information Systems,” Computer - aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 15-4, 2000, 261-271.
  45. Jha, M. and Schonfeld, P.  “Integrating Genetic Algorithms and GIS to Optimize Highway Alignments,” Transp. Research Record 1719, 2000, 233-240.
  46. Jha, M. and Schonfeld, P.  “GIS-based Analysis of Right-of-way Cost for Highway Optimization,” Transp. Research Record 1719, 2000, 241-249.
  47. Jong, J.C. and Schonfeld, P.  “A Genetic Algorithm for Selecting and Scheduling Interdependent Projects,” J. of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, ASCE, 127-1, Jan./Feb. 2001, 45-52.
  48. Ting, C.J. and Schonfeld P.  “Control Alternatives at a Waterway Lock,” J. of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 127-2, March/April 2001, 89-96.
  49. Ting, C.J. and Schonfeld, P.  “Efficiency Versus Fairness in Priority Control: A Waterway Lock Case,” J. of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, ASCE, 127-2, March/April 2001, 82-88.
  50. Chien, S. and Schonfeld, P.  “Optimal Work Zone Lengths for Four - lane Highways,” J. of Transp. Engineering, ASCE, 127-2, March/April 2001, 124-131.
  51. Jha, M., McCall, C. and Schonfeld, P.  “Using GIS, Genetic Algorithms and Visualization in Highway Development,” Computer - aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 16-6, 2001, 399-414.
  52. Kim, E. and Schonfeld, P.  “Estimating Highway Earthwork Cross Sections Using Vector and Parametric Representation,” Transp. Research Record 1772, 2001, 48-54.
  53. Chien, S., Tang Y., and Schonfeld, P.  “Optimizing Work Zones for Two - lane Highway Maintenance Projects,” J. of Transp. Engineering, ASCE, 128-2, March/April 2002, 145-155, (awarded Best Paper of 2002 in the ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering).
  54. Jong, J.C. and Schonfeld, P.  “An Evolutionary Model for Simultaneously Optimizing Three-dimensional Highway Alignments,” Transp. Research Part B: Methodological, 37B-2, Feb. 2003, 107-128.
  55. Jha, M. and Schonfeld, P.  “Tradeoffs between Initial and Maintenance Costs of Highways in Cross - slopes,” J. of Infrastructure Systems, ASCE, 9-1, March 2003, pp. 16-25.
  56. Jha, M. and Schonfeld, P.  “A Highway Alignment Optimization Model Using Geographic Information Systems,” Transp. Research, Part A, 38A-6, July 2004. 455-481.
  57. Kim, E., Jha, M. and Schonfeld, P.  “Intersection Construction Cost Functions for Alignment Optimization,” J. of Transp. Engineering, ASCE, 130-2, March/April 2004, 194-203.
  58. Chang, S.W. and Schonfeld, P.  “Optimized Schedules for Airline Routes,” J. of Transp. Engineering, ASCE, 130-4, July 2004, 412-418.
  59. Rakas, J. and Schonfeld, P.  “Deterministic Models for Degraded Airside Capacity and Delays,” J. of Transp. Engineering, ASCE, 130-5, September 2004, 545-554.
  60. Kim, E., Jha, M., Lovell, D., and Schonfeld, P.  “Intersections Modeling for Highway Alignment Optimization,” Computer Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, v19, 2004, 119-129.
  61. Chen, C.H. and Schonfeld, P. “Work Zone Optimization for Two-lane Highway Maintenance Projects,” Transp. Research Record 1877, 2004, 95-105.
  62. Wang, S., and Schonfeld, P. “Scheduling Interdependent Waterway Projects through Simulation and Genetic Optimization,” J. of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, ASCE 131-3, May/June 2005, 89-97.
  63. Ting, C.J. and Schonfeld, P.  “Schedule Coordination in a Multiple - hub Transit Network,” J. of Urban Planning and Development, ASCE, 131-2, June 2005. 112-124.
  64. Kim, E., Jha, M. and Schonfeld, P.  Closure to “Intersection Construction Cost Functions for Alignment Optimization,” J. of Transp. Engineering, ASCE, 131-9, Sept. 2005, 723.
  65. Chen, C.H. and Schonfeld, P.  “Work Zone Lengths for a Four - lane Road with an Alternate Route,” J. of Transp. Engineering, ASCE, 131-10, Oct. 2005, 780-789.
  66. Chen, C.H., Schonfeld, P. and Paracha, J.  “Work Zone Optimization for Two - lane Highway Resurfacing Projects with an Alternate Route,” Transportation Research Record 1911, October 2005, 51-66.
  67. Pathomsiri, S., Schonfeld, P., and Haghani, A.  “Vehicle Miles Traveled in Multi - vehicle Households,” Transp. Research Record 1926, Dec. 2005, 198-205.
  68. Tao, X., and Schonfeld, P.  “Lagrangian Relaxation Heuristic for Selecting Interdependent Transportation Projects under Cost Uncertainty,” Transp. Research Record 1931, 2005, 74-80.
  69. Wang, S., Tao, X., and Schonfeld, P.  “Modeling Shippers’ Response to Scheduled Waterway Lock Closures,” Transp. Research Record 1963, Oct. 2006, 33-43.
  70. Tao, X., and Schonfeld, P.  “Selection and Scheduling of Interdependent Transportation Projects with Island Models,” Transp. Research Record 1981, Dec. 2006, 133-41.
  71. Kim, E., Jha, M., Schonfeld, P. and Kim, H.S., “Highway Alignment Optimization Incorporating Bridges and Tunnels,” Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE, 133-2, Feb. 2007, 71-81.
  72. Kang, M.W., Schonfeld, P. and Jong, J.C., “Highway Alignment Optimization through Feasible Gates,” J. of Advanced Transp., 41- 2, Spring 2007, 115-144.
  73. Ting, C.J. and Schonfeld, P. “Dispatching Control at Transfer Stations in Multi-Hub Transit Networks,” J. of Advanced Transp., 41-3, Fall 2007, 217-243.
  74. Luo, Y. and Schonfeld, P., “A Rejected-Reinsertion Algorithm for the Static Dial-A-Ride Problem”, Transp. Research - Part B: Methodological, 41B-7, Aug. 2007, 736-755.
  75. Jha, M., Schonfeld, P. and Samanta, S., “Optimizing Rail Transit Routes with Genetic Algorithms and GIS,” J. of Urban Planning and Development, ASCE, 133-3, Sept. 2007, 161-171.
  76. Wang, S., and Schonfeld, P. “Demand Elasticity and Benefit Measurement in a Waterway Simulation Model,” Transp. Res. Record 2033, Dec. 2007, 53-61.
  77. Tien, S.L. and Schonfeld, P. “Passenger Market Equilibrium for Competing Airports in a Multiple Airport Region,” Transp. Res. Record 2007, Dec. 2007, 13-21.
  78. Tao, X. and Schonfeld, P.  “Island Models for a Stochastic Problem of Transportation Project Selection and Scheduling, Transp. Res. Record 2039, Dec. 2007, 16-23.
  79. Wang, S. and Schonfeld, P., “Scheduling of Waterway Projects with Complex Interrelations,” Transp. Research Record 2062, Oct. 2008, 59-65.
  80. Zhou, Y., Kim, H.S., Schonfeld, P. and Kim, E., “Subsidies and Welfare Maximization Tradeoffs in Bus Transit Systems,” Annals of Regional Science, 42-3, Nov. 2008, 643-660.
  81. Kim, D. and Schonfeld, P. “Integrated Analysis of Toll Lanes and Bus Priority Lanes,” Transp. Res. Record 2076, Nov. 2008, 70-80.
  82. Yang, N., Schonfeld, P. and Kang, M.W.  “A Hybrid Methodology for Freeway Work Zone Optimization with Time Constraints,” Public Works Management and Policy, 13-3, Jan. 2009, 253-264.
  83. Kang, M., Schonfeld, P. and Yang, N. “Prescreening and Repairing in Highway Alignment Optimization,” Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 24-2, Feb. 2009, 109-119.
  84. Bilbrey, J. and Schonfeld, P. “The Development of an Online Simulation Model for Managing Inland Waterway Fleets,” International J. of Management, 26-1, Apr. 2009, 115-126.
  85. Wang, S., Yang, N. and Schonfeld, P. “Simulation-based Network Maintenance Planning and Scheduling,” Transp. Res. Record 2100, July 2009, 94-102.
  86. Chen, C.C. and Schonfeld, P. “Modeling and Performance Assessment of Intermodal Transfers at Cargo Terminals,” Transp. Res. Record 2162, Oct. 2010, 53-62.
  87. Kang, M., Yang, N., Schonfeld, P. and Jha, M., “Bi-level Highway Route Optimization,” Transp. Res. Record 2197, Dec. 2010, 107-117.
  88. Luo, Y. and Schonfeld, P. “Online Rejected-Reinsertion Heuristics for the Dynamic Multi-Vehicle Dial-a-Ride Problem,” Transp. Res. Record 2218, Sep. 2011, 59-67.
  89. Markovic, N. and Schonfeld, P. “Scheduling under Uncertainty for a Single-Hub Intermodal Freight System,” Transp. Res. Record 2238, Dec. 2011, 24-31.
  90. Chen, C.C. and Schonfeld, P. “Alleviating Schedule Disruptions at Intermodal Freight Transfer Terminals: Real-Time Dispatching Control,” Transp. Res. Record 2238, Dec. 2011, 32-43.
  91. Kim, M. and Schonfeld, P. “Conventional, Flexible and Variable-type Bus Services,” J. of Transp. Engineering, ASCE, 138-3, March 2012, 263-273.
  92. Kang, M., Jha, M. and Schonfeld, P. “Applicability of Highway Alignment Optimization Models,” Transp. Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 21-1C, Apr. 2012, 257-286.
  93. Wang, S. and Schonfeld, P. “Simulation-based Scheduling of Mutually Exclusive Projects with Precedence and Regional Budget Constraints,” Transp. Res. Record 2273, 2012, 1-9.
  94. Lai, X. and Schonfeld, P. “Optimization of Rail Transit Alignments Considering Vehicle Dynamics,” Transp. Res. Record 2275, 2012, 77-87.
  95. Kim, M., Schonfeld, P. and Kim, E. “Comparison of Vertical Alignments for Rail Transit,” J. of Transp. Engineering, 139-2, ASCE, Feb. 2013, 230-238.
  96. Markovic, N. and Schonfeld, P. “Stochastic Scheduling for a Single-Terminal Transfer System with Poisson Arrivals,” Strojniski Vestnik (Slovenian J. of Mechanical Eng.), 59-9, Sept. 2013, 564-572.
  97. Kim, M. and Schonfeld, P. “Integrating Bus Services with Mixed Fleets,” Transp. Research Part B: Methodological, 55B, Sept. 2013, 227-244.
  98. Kim, M., Schonfeld, P. and Kim, E. “Simulation–based Rail Transit Optimization Model,” Transp. Res. Record 2374, Dec. 2013, 43-153.
  99. Juster, R. and Schonfeld, P. “Personal Rapid Transit as Urban Transportation,” Transp. Res. Record 2350, Dec. 2013, 128-135.
  100. Markovic, B., Milinkovic, S., Schonfeld, P. and Drobnjak, Z. “Planning Dial-a-Ride Services: Statistical and Metamodeling Approach,” Transp. Res. Record 2352, Dec. 2013, 120-127.
  101. Yang, N., Kang, M., Schonfeld, P. and Jha, M. “Multi-objective Optimization of Highway Alignments Incorporating Preference Information,” Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 40C-12, March 2014, 36-48.
  102. Markovic, N., Drobnjak, Z. and Schonfeld, P. “Dispatching Trucks for Drayage Operations,” Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transp. Review, 70E-1, Oct. 2014, 99-111.
  103. Kim, M. and Schonfeld, P.  “Integration of Conventional and Flexible Bus Services with Timed Transfers,” Transp. Research Part B: Methodological, 68B-2, Oct. 2014, 76-97.
  104. Feng, L., Miller-Hooks, E., Schonfeld, P. and Mohebbi, M. “Optimizing Ridesharing Services for Airport Access,” Transp. Res. Record 2467, Dec. 2014, 157-176.
  105. Markovic, N., Ryzhov, I. and Schonfeld, P. “Evasive Flow Capture: Optimal Location of Weigh-in-Motion Systems, Tollbooths, and Security Checkpoints,” Networks, 65-1, Jan. 2015, 22-42. (Winner of the Glover-Klingman Prize for the best paper published in Networks in 2015)
  106. Li, Z. and Schonfeld, P. “Hybrid Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithm for Optimizing Arterial Signal Timings under Oversaturated Traffic Conditions,” J. of Advanced Transp., 49-1, Jan. 2015, 153-170.
  107. Yang, N., Wang, S. and Schonfeld, P. “Simulation-Based Optimization of Waterway Projects using a Parallel Genetic Algorithm,” International J. of Operations Research and Information Systems, 6-1, Jan.-March 2015, 49-63.
  108. Markovic, N., Nair, R., Schonfeld, P., Miller-Hooks, E. and Mohebbi, M. “Optimizing Dial-a-Ride Services in Maryland: Benefits of Computerized Routing and Scheduling,” Transp. Res. Part C: Emerging Technologies, vol. 55, Jan. 2015, 156-165.
  109. Markovic, N., Milinkovic, S., Tikhonov, K.S. and Schonfeld, P. “Analyzing Passenger Train Arrival Delays with Support Vector Regression,” Transp. Res. Part C: Emerging Technologies, vol. 56, July 2015, 251-262.
  110. Vodopivec, N., Tobias, D., Miller-Hooks, E., Schonfeld, P. and Mohebbi, M. “Taxis as a Recourse Option for Ridesharing Services,” Transp. Res. Record 2536, Sept. 2015, 86-97.
  111. Xin, W., Li, Q., Yuan, J. and Schonfeld, P. “Metro Passengers’ Behaviors and their Relation to Metro Incident Involvement,” Accident Analysis & Prevention, v82, Sep. 2015, 90-100.
  112. Sun, Y. and Schonfeld, P. “Stochastic Capacity Expansion Models for Airport Facilities,” Transp. Res. Part B, v80, Oct. 2015, 1-18.
  113. Kim, M. and Schonfeld, P. “Maximizing Net Benefits for Conventional and Flexible Bus Services,” Transp. Research Part A: Policy and Practice, v80, Oct. 2015, 116-133.
  114. Sun, Y. and Schonfeld, P. “Optimization Models for Public Transportation Operations under Subsidization and Regulation,” Transp. Res. Record 2530, Dec. 2015, 44-54.
  115. Kastrouni, E., Shayanfar, E., Schonfeld, P., Mahapatra, S. and Zhang, L. “Statewide Assessment of the Broader Economic Benefits from Transportation Investment: A Practical Approach Integrating Travel Demand Models and SHRP2 C11 Tools with Applications in Maryland,” Transp. Res. Record 2531, 2015, 17-25.
  116. Cheng, W. and Schonfeld, P. “A Method for Optimizing the Phased Development of Rail Transit Lines,” Urban Rail Transit, 1-4, Dec. 2015, 227-237.
  117. Sun, Y. and Schonfeld, P. “Schedule-based Route Choice Estimation for Rail Transit Passengers using Automatic Fare Collection Data,” J. of Transp. Engineering, ASCE, 142-1, Jan. 2016, 04015037.  DOI:   10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436.0000812.
  118. Chen, C.C. and Schonfeld, P. “A Dispatching Decision Support System for Countering Delay Propagation in Intermodal Logistics Networks,” Transp. Planning and Technology, 39-3, March 2016, 254-268.
  119. Lai, X. and Schonfeld, P. “Concurrent Optimization of Rail Transit Alignment and Stations,” Urban Rail Transit, 2-1, March 2016, 1-15.
  120. Chen, L., Schonfeld, P. and Miller-Hooks, E. “Welfare Maximization for Bus Transit Systems with Timed Transfers and Financial Constraints,” J. of Advanced Transp. 50-4, June 2016, 421-433.
  121. Shayanfar, E., Abianeh, A.S., Schonfeld, P. and Zhang, L. “Prioritizing Interrelated Road Projects Using Metaheuristics,” J. of Infrastructure Systems, 22-2, ASCE, June 2016, 04016004.  DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)IS.1943-555X.0000293, 9 pages.
  122. Markovic, N., Kim, M. and Schonfeld, P. “Statistical and Machine Learning Approach for Planning Dial-A-Ride Services,” Transp. Res. Part A: Policy and Practice, v89, July 2016, 41-55.
  123. Li., W., Pu, H., Schonfeld, P., Zhang, H. and Zheng, X. “Methodology for Optimizing Constrained 3-dimensional Railway Alignments in Mountainous Terrain,” Transp. Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, v68, July 2016, 549-565.
  124. Sun, Y. and Schonfeld, P. “Holding Decisions for Correlated Vehicle Arrivals at Intermodal Freight Transfer Terminals,” Transp. Research Part B: Methodological, v90, Aug. 2016, 218-240.
  125. Sun, Y., Shi, J. and Schonfeld, P. “Identifying Passenger Flow Characteristics and Evaluating Travel Time Reliability by Visualizing AFC Data: A Case Study of Shanghai Metro,” Public Transport, v8, Aug. 2016, 341-363.
  126. Sun, Y., Schonfeld, P., Lu, Y., and Zhou, M. “Redesigning Rail Transit Short Turn Operations for Congestion Mitigation: A Case Study of Line 2 of Shanghai Metro,” Transp. Res. Record 2540, 2016, 46-55.
  127. Sun, Y., Guo, Q., Schonfeld, P. and Li, Z. “Implications of the Cost of Public Funds in Public Transit Subsidization and Regulation,” Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, v91, Sep. 2016, 236-250.
  128. Chen, C.C., Tsai, Y.H. and Schonfeld, P. “Schedule Coordination, Delay Propagation, and Disruptions Resilience in Intermodal Logistic Networks,” Transp. Res. Record 2548-2, 2016, 16-23.
  129. Sun, Y., Fan, W. and Schonfeld, P. “Static Parking Choice Model Considering Parking Duration,” Transp. Res. Record 2543, 2016, 134-142.
  130. Xin, W., Schonfeld, P., and Li, Q. “What Factors Determine Metro Passengers’ Risky Riding Behavior? An Approach Based on an Extended Theory of Planned Behavior,” Transp. Res. Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Part 1 v42, Oct. 2016, 125-139.
  131. Sun, Y. and Schonfeld, P. “Capacity Investment Model for Airport Facilities under Demand Uncertainty,” J. of Advanced Transp., 50-8, Dec. 2016, 1896-1911.
  132. Sun, Y. Guo, Q., Schonfeld, P. and Li, Z. “Evolution of Public Transportation Modes in a Commuter Corridor,” Transp. Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, v75, Feb. 2017, 84-102.
  133. Markovic, N., Ryzhov, I. and Schonfeld, P. “Evasive Flow Capture: A Multi-period Stochastic Facility Location Problem with Independent Demand,” European Journal. of Operations Research, 257-2, March 2017, 687-703.   
  134. Chen, C.C. and Schonfeld, P. “A Hybrid Heuristic Technique for Optimal Coordination in Intermodal Logistics Scheduling,” International J. of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 9-4, 2017, 475-499.
  135. Sun, Y. and Schonfeld, P. “Coordinated Airport Facility Development under Uncertainty,” Transp. Res. Record 2603, 2017, 78-88.
  136. Li, W., Pu, H., Schonfeld, P., Yang, J., Zhang, H., Wang, L. and Xiong, J. “Mountain Railway Alignment Optimization with Bidirectional Distance Transform and Genetic Algorithm”, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, v. 32, 2017, 691-709.
  137. Shi, J., Sun, Y., Schonfeld, P. and Qi, J. “Joint Optimization of Tram Timetables and Signal Timing Adjustments at Intersections, “Transp. Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, v83, Oct. 2017, 104-119.
  138. Guo, Q., Chow, J.Y.J. and Schonfeld, P. “Stochastic Dynamic Switching in Fixed and Flexible Transit Services as Market Entry-exit Real Options,” Transp. Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, v23, 2017, 380-399.
  139. Huang, H., Li, K. and Schonfeld, P. “Real-time Energy-saving Metro Train Rescheduling with Primary Delay Identification,” PLOS ONE, doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0192792, 13-2, 2018, 22 pages.
  140. Kim, M., Schonfeld, P. and Kim, E. “Switching Service Types for Multi-region Bus Systems,” Transp. Planning and Technology, 41-6 March 2018, 617-643.
  141. Shayanfar, E. and Schonfeld, P. “Selecting and Scheduling Interrelated Projects: Application in Urban Road Network Investment,” International J. of Logistics Systems and Management, 29-4, 2018, 436-454.
  142. Sun, Y., Schonfeld, P. and Guo, Q. “Optimal Extension of Rail Transit Lines,” International J. of Sustainable Transportation, 12-10, 2018, 753-769.
  143. Jovanovic, U., Shayanfar, E. and Schonfeld, P. “Selecting and Scheduling Link and Intersection Improvements in Urban Networks,” Transportation Research Record, v2672, Dec. 2018, 1-11.
  144. Guo, Q., Chen, S., Schonfeld, P. and Li, Z. “How Time-Inconsistent Preferences Affect Investment Timing for Rail Transit,” Transp. Research Part B: Methodological, v118, Dec. 2018, 172-192.
  145. Li, K., Huang, H. and Schonfeld, P. “Metro Timetabling for Time-varying Passenger Demand and Congestion at Stations,” J. of Advanced Transp, v2018 https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/3690603, July 2018, 26 pages.
  146. Li, W., Pu, H., Schonfeld, P., Song, Z., Zhang, H., Wang, L., Wang, J., Peng, X. and Peng, J. “A Method for Automatically Re-creating the Horizontal Alignment Geometry of Existing Railways,” Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, v34, 2019, 71-94.
  147. Peng, Y., Li, Z. and Schonfeld P. “Development of Rail Transit Network over Multiple Time Periods,” Transp. Research Part A: Policy and Practice, v121, March 2019, 235-250.
  148. Pu, H., Song, T., Schonfeld, P., Li, W. Zhang, H., Wang, J., Hu, J., Peng, X. and Wang, J. “Railway Alignment Optimization in Mountainous Regions through a Stepwise & Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization Incorporating Genetic Operators,” Applied Soft Computing, 78, May 2019, 41-57.
  149. Shayanfar, E. and Schonfeld, P. “Selecting and Scheduling Interrelated Road Projects with Uncertain Demand,” Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 15-2, June 2019, 1712-1733.
  150. Shayanfar, E., Schonfeld, P. and Wang, J. J. “Prioritizing Highway Development Projects Based on Market Access in Appalachia,” Transportation Research Record 2673 no. 8, Aug. 2019, 333-342.  
  151. Pu, H., Zhang, H., Schonfeld, P., Li, W., Wang, J., Peng, X., and Hu, J. “Maximum Design Gradient for Railways based on Convolutional Neural Network,” J. of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems” 145-11, 04019047, 12 pages, online Sept. 2019.
  152. Pu, H., Song, T., Schonfeld, P., Li, W., Zhang, H., Wang, J., Hu, J., and Peng, X. “A Three-Dimensional Distance Transform for Optimizing Constrained Mountain Railway Alignments,” Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 34-11 Nov. 2019, 972-990.
  153. Kim, M., Levy, J. and Schonfeld, P. “Optimal Zone Sizes and Headways for Flexible-Route Bus Services,” Transp. Research Part B: Methodological, v130, Dec. 2019, 67-81.
  154. Shi, Z., Zhang, N., Schonfeld, P. and Zhang, J. “Short-term Metro Passenger Flow Forecasting Using Ensemble Learning with Chaos Support Vector Regression,” Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 16-2, Feb 2020, 194-212.
  155. Liu, S. and Schonfeld. P. “Effects of Driverless Vehicles on the Competitiveness of Bus Transit Services,” J. of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 146-4, April 2020, 12 pages.
  156. Song, Z., Yang, F., Schonfeld, P., Li, J. and Pu, H. “Heuristic Strategies of Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm for Fitting Transition Curves,” J. of Surveying Engineering, 146-2, 04022001, Apr. 2020, 11 pages. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)SU.1943-5428.0000307.
  157. Song, T., Pu, H., Schonfeld, P., Li, W., Zhang, H., Ren, Y., Wang, J., Hu, J. and Peng, X. “A Parallel Three-dimensional Distance Transform for Railway Alignment Optimization using OpenMP,” J. of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 146-5, 04020029, May 2020. 11 pages.
  158. Liu, J., Schonfeld, P., Peng, Q. and Yin, Y. “Measures of Travel Reliability on an Urban Rail Transit Network,” J. of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, v146-6, June 2020, 14 pages. DOI: 10.1061/JTEPBS.0000327.
  159. Lai, X., Teng, J., Schonfeld, P. and Ling, L. “Resilient Schedule Coordination for a Bus Transit Corridor,” J. of Advanced Transportation, June 2020, 12 pages. doi.org/10.1155/2020/5398298
  160. Liu, J., Schonfeld, P., Li, A., Peng, Q. and Yin, Y. “Effects of Line Capacity Reductions on Urban Rail Transit System Service Performance,” J. of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 146-10, June 2020, 12 pages.
  161. Liu, J., Schonfeld, P., Yin, Y. and Peng, Q. “Effects of Link Capacity Reductions on the Reliability of an Urban Rail Transit Network," J. of Advanced Transp., vol. 2020, Oct. 2020, ID 9020674, https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/9020574, 15 pages.
  162. Zhang, H., Pu, H., Schonfeld, P., Song, T., Li, W., Wang, J., Peng, X. and Hu, J. “Multi-objective Railway Alignment Optimization Considering Costs and Environmental Impacts,” Applied Soft Computing, v89, 106105, 2020, 496-522.
  163. Vander Laan, Z. and Schonfeld, P. “Modeling Heterogeneous Traffic with Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control Vehicles: A First-order Macroscopic Perspective,” Transportation Planning and Technology, 43-2, 2020, 113-140.  
  164. Xiao, M., Chien, S., Schonfeld, P. and Hu, D. “Optimizing Flight Sequencing and Gate Assignment Considering Terminal Configuration and Walking Time,” J. of Airport Management, 86, 101816, July 1, 2020, 15 pages.
  165. Song, T., Pu, H., Schonfeld, P., Zhang, H., Li, W., Hu, J. and Wang, J. “Mountain Railway Alignment Optimization Considering Geological Impacts: A Cost-Hazard Bi-objective Model,” Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 35-12, Dec. 2020, 1365-1386.
  166. Sun, Y., Gong, H., Schonfeld, P., Guo, Q. and Li, Z. “Regulating a Public Transit Monopoly under Asymmetric Cost Information,” Transp. Research Part B: Methodological, v139, Sept. 2020, 496-522.   
  167. Choi, Y., Schonfeld, P., Lee, Y. and Shin, H. “Innovative Methods for Fresh Food Deliveries to Underserved Populations,” J. of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 147-1, 04020140, Jan. 2021, 14 pages.
  168. Song, Z., Yang, F., Schonfeld, P., Liu, H. and Li, J. “Integrating Segmentation and Parameter Estimation for Recreating Vertical Alignments,” Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 36 (4), 2021, 472-488, https://doi.org/10.1111/mice.12634
  169. Pu, H., Xie, J., Schonfeld, P., Song, T., Li, W., Wang, J. and Hu, J. “Railway Alignment Optimization in Mountainous Regions Considering Spatial Geological Hazards: A Sustainable Safety Perspective,” Sustainability, 13-4, 1661, 2021. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13041661
  170. Pu, H., Zhu, L., Schonfeld, P., Li, W., Zhang, H., Song, T., Wang, J., Hu, J. and Peng, X. “Optimization of Grade-separated Road and Railway Crossings Based on Distance Transform Algorithm,” Engineering Optimization, 54-2, Feb. 2021, 232-251.
  171. Song, T., Pu, H., Schonfeld, P., Zhang, H., Li, W., Hu, J., Wang, J. and Wang, J. “Bi-objective Mountain Railway Alignment Optimization Incorporating Seismic Risk Assessment,” Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 36-2, Feb. 2021, 143-163.
  172. Pu, H., Li, X., Schonfeld, P., Li, W., Zhang, H., Song, T., Wang, J., Hu, J. and Peng, X. “Concurrent Optimization of Mountain Railway Alignment and Station Locations with a Three-Dimensional Distance Transform Algorithm Incorporating a Perceptual Search Strategy,” IEEE Access, v9, Feb. 2021, 34736-34754. 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3061587
  173. Choi, Y. and Schonfeld, P. “A Comparison of Optimized Deliveries by Drones and Trucks,” Transp. Planning & Technology, 44-3, March 2021, 319-336.
  174. Wang, Q., Schonfeld, P. and Deng, L. “Profit Maximization Model with Fare Structures and Subsidy Constraints for Urban Rail Transit, J. of Advanced Transp., v2021, Article ID 6659384, 14 pages. https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/6659384
  175. Guo, Q., Sun, Y., Schonfeld, P. and Li, Z. “Time-dependent Transit Fare Optimization with Elastic and Spatially Distributed Demand,” Transp. Research Part A: Policy and Practice, v148, June 2021, 353-378.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tra.2021.04.002
  176. Song, Z., Fang, T., Schonfeld, P. and Li, J. “Effect of Point Configurations on Parameter Estimation Analysis of Circles,” J. of Surveying Engineering, 147-3, Aug. 2021, 10 pages. 04021010
  177. Song, T., Pu, H., Schonfeld, P., Zhang, H., Li, W., Peng, X., Hu, J. and Liu, W. “GIS-based Multi-criteria Railway Design with Spatial Environmental Considerations,” Applied Geography, v131, June 2021, 14 pages. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeog.2021.102449
  178. Wu, F., Schonfeld, P. and Kim, M. “Optimized Restoration Sequence for Disrupted Freight Rail Network,” J. of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 147-9, Sept. 2021, 9 pages. 147 04021053
  179. Liu, J., Schonfeld, P., Chen, J., Ying, Y. and Peng, Q. “Perceived Trip Time Reliability and its Cost on a Rail Transit Network,” Sustainability, 13-13, Dec. 2021. 7504. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13137504
  180. Bayrak, M., Guler, S. I. and Schonfeld, P. “Implementation Sequence Optimization for Dedicated Bus Lane Projects,” Transportation Research Record, online May 26, 2021; 2675(10) 1184-1195. doi-org.proxy-um.researchport.umd.edu/10.1177/03611981211014889      
  181. Zhang, H., Pu, H., Schonfeld, P., Song, T., Li, W., Wang, J., Peng, X., Hu, J. “Railway Alignment Optimization Considering Life-cycle Costs,” Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, Oct. 2021. DOI: 10.1109/MITS.2021.3071032.
  182. Choi, Y. and Schonfeld, P. “Review of Length Approximations for Tours with Few Stops,” Transportation Research Record, 2676-3, published Oct. 28, 2021. doi.org/10.1177/03611981211049433
  183. Gao, T., Li, Z., Gao, Y., Schonfeld, P., Feng, X., Wang, Q., and He, Q. “Mountain Railway Alignment Optimization: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach,” Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 37-1, 2022, 73-92.
  184. Chen, Y., Markovic, N., Ryzhov, I. and Schonfeld, P. “Data-driven Robust Resource Allocation with Monotonic Cost Functions,” Operations Research, 70-1, Jan. 2022, 73-94; winner of INFORMS TSL 2022 best paper award.   https://doi.org/10.1287/opre.2021.2145 
  185. Chen, C.Y. and Schonfeld, P. “Unit Load Device Reassignment Following Temporary Airport Closures,” International J. of Shipping and Transport Logistics, v15, Nos. 3/4, 2022, 239-255.
  186. Khadem, N., Shin, H., Lee, Y., Choi, Y. and Schonfeld, P. “Optimal Options for Fresh Food Deliveries in Baltimore Food Deserts,” International Journal of Urban Planning and Smart Cities, 3-1, 2022, 1-18.
  187. Song, T., Pu, H., Schonfeld, P. and Hu, J. “Railway Alignment Optimization under Uncertainty with a Minimax Robust Method,” IEEE Intelligent Transport Systems Magazine, Feb. 24, 2022, 14 pages.
  188. Song, T., Pu, H., Schonfeld, P., Zhang, H., Li, W., Hu, J. “Simultaneous Optimization of Passenger Railway Alignments and Station Locations,” Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, online June 22, 2021. DOI: 10.1111/mice.12739.
  189. Liu, J., Liu, Y., Schonfeld, P., Peng, Q. and Zhan, S. “Measuring and Enhancing the Connectivity Reliability of a Rail Transit Network,” Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 18-3, Dec. 2022, 1699-1733. doi.org/10.1080/23249935.2021.1965241
  190. Wu, F. and Schonfeld, P. “Optimized Two-directional Phased Development of a Rail Transit Line,” Transp. Research Part B: Methodological, v155, 2022, 424-447.
  191. Song, T., Pu, H., Schonfeld, P., Hu, J. and Liu, J. “Robust optimization method for mountain railway alignments considering preference uncertainty for costs and seismic risks,” ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 8-1, 20220301, March 2022, 1-18.
  192. Song, Z., Ma, X., Schonfeld, P. and Li, J. “Effect of Parameter Selections on Fitting Vertical Curves to Data,” J. of Surveying Engineering, 148-2, online Jan. 24, 2022, 9 pages. DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)SU.1943-5428.0000394.
  193. Liu, J., Schonfeld, P., Yin, Y., Peng, Q. and Zhan, S. “Reducing the Passenger-oriented Vulnerability of an Urban Rail Transit Network by Adding Turn-back Tracks,” Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 10-1, 2022, 667-692.
  194. Wu, F., Schonfeld, P., Ayyub, B., and Kim, M. “A Topological Approach for Optimizing Railroad Freight Network Restoration after Disruptions,” Transportation Research Record, 2676-12, 2022, 750-759.
  195. Li, W., Zhen, S., Schonfeld, P., Pu, H., Zhang, Z., Zhao, L., Qin, X., Wei, F, and Yan, W. “Re-creating Existing Railway Horizontal Alignments Automatically Using Overall Swing Iteration,” J. of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems,” 148-8, online May 18, 2022, 04022046, 13 pages.  DOI:10.1061/JTEPBS.0000691                   
  196. Song, T., Pu, H., Schonfeld, P., Liang, Z., Zhang, M., Hu, J., Zhou, Y., and Xu, Z. “Mountain Railway Alignment Optimization Integrating Layouts of Large-scale Auxiliary Construction Projects,” Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 38-4, March 2023, 433-453.  DOI: 10.1111/mice.12839  
  197. Chen, L. and Schonfeld, P. “Optimized Zone Sizes and Headways for Flexible-route Bus Services - A Two Zone Case,” KSCE J. of Civil Engineering, 26(7) July 2022, 3136-3149; DOI 10.1007/s12205-022-1381-x
  198. Pu, H., Fu, H., Schonfeld, P., Song, T., Zhao, L., Li, W., Peng, X., and Zhang, M. “Modelling and Optimization of Constrained Alignments for Existing Railway Reconstruction,” International J. of Rail Transportation,” 11-3 May 4, 2023, 428-447. DOI: 10.1080/23248378.2022.2081878
  199. Ling, S., Zhu, X., Wang, Q. and Schonfeld, P. "Prediction of Charging Requirements for Electric Vehicles Based on Multiagent Intelligence," J. of Advanced Transportation, v2022, May 19, 2022, 16 pages. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/2309376.
  200. Kim, M., Schonfeld, P. Roche, A. and Raleigh, C. “Optimizing Service Zones and Frequencies for Flexible-route Freight Deliveries,” Transp. Research Part A: Policy and Practice, v159, May 2022, 182-199.
  201. Pu, H., Fan, X., Schonfeld, P., Li, W., Zhang, W., Wei, F., Wang, P. and Li, C. “Extending IFC for Multi-component Subgrade Modeling in a Railway Station,” Automation in Construction, v141, online June 21, 2022. doi.org/10.1016/j.autcon.2022.10443 
  202. Li, W., Qiu, X., Pu, H., Schonfeld, P., Zhen, S., Zhou, Y., and Xu, Z. “Concurrent Optimization of Subway Vertical Alignments and Station Elevations with Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, July 28, 23-12, Dec. 2022, 24929-24940.  DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2022.3195754
  203. Liu, J, Schonfeld, P., Shuai, C., He, M. and Wang, K.C.P. “The Controllability of China’s High-speed Rail Network in Terms of Delivering Emergency Supplies,” Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, v606, 2022, 128055. doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2022.
  204. Wang, Q., Bai, Y., Chen, Y., Fu, Q. and Schonfeld, P. “Optimization of Metro Vertical Alignment for Minimized Construction Costs and Traction Energy: A Dynamic Programming Approach,” Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, online Aug. 26, 2022; v129 pages, 104722. doi.org/10.1016/j.tust.2022.104722
  205. Liu, J., He, M., Schonfeld, P., Kato, H. and Li, A. “Measures of Accessibility Incorporating Time Reliability for an Urban Rail Transit Network: A Case Study in Wuhan, China,” Transp. Research Part A: Policy and Practice, v165 Nov. 22, 2022, 471-489.
  206. Pu, H., Wan, X., Song, T., Schonfeld, P., Li, W., and Hu, J. “A Geographic Information Model for 3-D Environmental Suitability Analysis in Railway Alignment Optimization,” Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, 30-1, 2022, 67-88.
  207. Ng, M., and Schonfeld, P. “Sequencing Interdependent Transportation Network Improvement Projects: Exact Solution Method via Network Flow Reformulation,Transp. Research Part D: Transport and Environment, v115, Feb. 1, 2023, 103565. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trd.2022.103565
  208. He, Q., Gao, T., Gao. Y., Li, H., Schonfeld, P., Zhu, Y., Li, Q., and Wang, P. “A Bi-Objective Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Low-carbon-emission High-Speed Railway Alignment Design,” Transp. Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, v147 Feb. 1, 2023. 104006.
  209. Zhang, H., Song, T., Schonfeld, P., Pu, H., Li, W., Hu, J., and Liu, L. “Vertical Alignment Optimization of Mountain Railways with Terrain-driven Greedy Algorithm Improved by Monte Carlo Tree Search,” Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 38-7, May 2023, 873-891. doi.org/10.1111/mice.12923
  210. Song, T., Schonfeld, P. and Pu, H. “A Review of Recent Alignment Optimization Research for Roads, Railways and Rail Transit Lines,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 24-5, May 2023 4738-4757. DOI10.1109/TITS.2023.3235685
  211. Pu, H., Cai, L., Song, T., Schonfeld, P. and Hu, J. “Minimizing Costs and Carbon Emissions in Railway Alignment Optimization: A Bi-objective Model,” Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, v116, March 6, 2023, 103616. doi.org/10.1016/j.trd.2023.103615
  212. Zhang, T., Gao, Y., Gao, T., Schonfeld, P., Wu, Y., Zhu, Y., Yang, S., Wang. P. and He, Q. “A Sequential Exploration Algorithm for the Design Optimization of Horizontal Road Alignment,” Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 38-15, Oct. 2023, 2049-2071.
  213. Wang, Q., Schonfeld, P., Ling, S. Deng, L. and Xu, G. “Optimization of Differentiated Fares and Subsidies for Different Rail Transit Users,” Computers & Industrial Engineering, v179, May 1, 2023, 109144.
  214. Liu, J., Schonfeld, P., Zhan, S., Du, S., He, M., Yong, Y. and Wang, K.C.P. “The Economic Value of Reserve Capacity Considering the Reliability and Robustness of a Rail Transit Network,” J. of Transportation Engineering Part A: Systems, 149-6, June 1, 2023, 04023046.
  215. Jha, M., Schonfeld, P. and McCullough, F. “A Machine Learning and Simulation-based Dynamic Parking Choice Model for Airports,” J. of Air Transport Management, v111, Aug. 1, 2023, 102425.
  216. Hu, S., Xiong, C., Chen, P. and Schonfeld, P. Examining Nonlinearity in Population Inflow Estimation Using Big Data: An Empirical Comparison of Explainable Machine Learning Models,” Transp. Research Part A: Policy and Practice, v174, Aug. 1, 2023, 103743.
  217. Pu, H., Fan, X., Li, W., Zhang, W., Schonfeld, P., Wei, F. and Xu, Z. “Realizing a Quick Partial BIM Update of Subgrade in Railway Stations,” ASCE J. of Construction Engineering and Management, 149-9, Sep. 1, 2023, 04023073.
  218. Choi, Y., Wang, J. and Schonfeld, P. “Trends and Impacts of Local Access Roads Investment in Appalachia,” Transportation Research Record, 2667-12, 2023, 770-781. doi 03611981231169534.  
  219. Wan, X., Pu, H. Schonfeld, P., Song, T., Li, W., Peng, L., Hu, J. and Zhang, M. “Mountain Railway Alignment Optimization Based on Landform Recognition and Presetting of Dominating Structures,” Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 39-2, Jan. 2024, 242-263. DOI 10.1111/mice.13073.
  220. Guo, Q. Chen, S., Sun, Y. and Schonfeld, P. “Investment Timing and Length Choice for a Rail Transit Line under Demand Uncertainty”, Transp. Research Part B: Methodological, v175, Sept. 1, 2023, 102800.
  221. Pu, H., Xie, S., Song, T., Schonfeld, P., and Peng, X. “Three-dimensional Subway Alignment Recreation Considering Tunnel Construction Gauges,” Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v141, Nov. 1, 2023, 141357.
  222. Miao, K., Lou, W., Schonfeld, P., Xiao, Z. “Optimal Earthmoving Equipment Combination Considering Carbon Emissions with an Indicator-based Multi-objective Optimizer,” J. of Construction Engineering & Management, 150-1, Jan. 1, 2024, 04023152.
  223. Song, Z., Chen, J., Schonfeld, P. and Li, J. “Two Algorithms for Reconstructing Vertical Alignments by Exploring the Neural Dynamics Model of Adeli and Park,” Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, v39, Feb. 25 2024, 692–706.   https://doi.org/10.1111/mice.13101
  224. Pu, H., Song, T., Yang, T.Y., Schonfeld, P., Wan, X., Li, W., Zhu, Z., Zhang, H. and Hu, J. “Modelling Earthquake-induced Landslide Risk for Mountain Railway Alignment Optimization,” accepted for the ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, Oct. 3, 2023.
  225. Pu, H., Fu, H., Song, T., Schonfeld, P. and Peng, X. “Recreating Horizontal Alignments of Existing Railways with a Hybrid Analytic and Harmony Search Algorithm,” Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, v128, Feb. 1, 2024, 107354.
  226. Wang, Q., Zhao, W., Schonfeld, P., Xue, D. and Yue, Z. “Effects of a Price Incentive Policy on Urban Rail Transit Passengers: A Case Study in Nanjing, China,” Transp. Research Part A: Policy and Practice, v178, Dec. 1, 2023, 103879
  227. Song, T., Pu, H., Yang, T.Y., Schonfeld, P., Li, W. and Hu, J. “Optimizing Net Present Values of Risk Avoidance for Mountain Railway Alignments with Seismic Performance Evaluation,” accepted for Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Nov. 7, 2023.
  228. Pu, H., Wang, G., Song, T., Schonfeld, P. and Zhang, H. “Multi-task Deep Learning Methods for Determining Railway Major Technical Standards,” accepted for IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Nov. 28, 2023.
  229. Wang, G., Pu, H., Song, T., Schonfeld, P., Li, W., Zhang, H., Peng, L., Hu, J. and Qiao, H. “A 3D Monte Carlo Tree Search Method for Railway Alignment Optimization,” accepted for Applied Soft Computing, Dec. 16, 2023.
  230. Pu, H., Hu, T., Song, T., Schonfeld, P., Wan, X., Li, W. and Peng, L. “Modeling and Application of a Customized Knowledge Graph for Railway Alignment Optimization,” accepted for Expert Systems with Applications,” Dec. 19, 2023.
  231. Pu, H., Wan, X., Song, T., Schonfeld, P. and Peng, L. “A 3D-RRT-star Algorithm for Optimizing Constrained Mountain Railway Alignments,” accepted for Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Dec. 19, 2023.
  232. Gao, Y., Zhang, T., Zhu, C, Yang, S., Schonfeld, P., Zou, K., Zhang, J., Zhu, Y., Wang, P. and He, Q, “Bi-objective Optimization for Railway Alignment Fine-grained Designs with Parallel Existing Railways,” accepted for Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Dec. 28, 2023.
  233. Wan, X., Pu, H., Schonfeld, P., Song, T., Li W. and Peng, L. “Railway Route Optimization in Constrained Environments Based on Semantic Topological Mapsaccepted for Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, March 18, 2024.
  234. Pang, Z., Wang, L., Schonfeld, P., Liu, J., Peng, Q. and Li, L. A Disturbance Driven Textual Model for Train Running Time Prediction on High-speed Railways,” accepted for J. of Transportation Engineering Part A: Systems, March 21, 2024.
  235. Choi, Y., Golden, B. and Schonfeld, P. “Adjustment Factors for Analytic Approximations of Traveling Salesman Tour Lengths,” accepted for Transportmetrica A, April 17, 2024.
  236. Hu, S., Xiong, C, Ji, Y., Wu, X., Liu, K. and Schonfeld, P. “Understanding Factors Influencing User Engagement in Incentive-Based Travel Demand Management Program,” accepted for Transp. Research Part A: Policy and Practice, June 11, 2024.
  237. Wang, Q., Ma, S., Xu, G., Yan, R., Wu, X. and Schonfeld, P. Enhancing Financial Viability and Social Welfare in Public Transportation: A Study of Subsidy Schemes for Urban Rail Transit Systems,” accepted for Computers & Industrial Engineering, June 15, 2024.

Research on Debris Clearance Presented at TRB

Associate Professor Xianfeng Yang and his team previously won recognition from AASHTO.

Hu Receives COTA Best Dissertation Award

UMD doctoral alum recognized for pioneering work on travel demand modeling.

Hu, Waters Win Thesis Awards

Students honored for doctoral, master's research.

Schonfeld: Supply Chain Havoc Shows Need for Resilient Networks

A UMD professor and his students are examining ways to mitigate disruptions to transportation systems.

New Research Showcased at TRB

Transportation safety, impact of telecommuting among topics covered by UMD experts.

MTI Announces Seed Grant Awardees

Five new proposals have been selected for seed grants under a program designed to support interdisciplinary research.

Highway Project Database Provides “One-Stop Shop”

A team at UMD’s Maryland Transportation Institute has pulled together key data on major projects nationwide.

MTI and Battelle to Build Database for Public-Private Partnerships

The database will help state and local governments know when and how to best engage in P3s.

Schonfeld Receives ASCE’s James Laurie Prize

The award recognizes significant contributions to the advancement of transportation engineering.

CEE Experts Active at TRB 97th Annual Meeting

Faculty, staff, and students gave more than 50 presentations during the four-day event.

Schonfeld, Ryzhov team up for NSF EAGER grant

The researchers will determine the amount of data that should be purchased for statistically estimating the coefficients of optimization models for specific transportation problems.

UMD Transportation Experts to Evaluate Economic Benefits of Infrastructure Investments

The project could help officials save taxpayer money while maximizing economic benefits of transportation infrastructure projects

CEE Transportation Researchers Tackle Critical Topics at 95th TRB Annual Meeting

Areas include visualization, resilience, high-speed rail, and green vehicles.

UMD graduate student Mr. Yanshuo Sun wins Louis T. Klauder Scholarship

2014 Louis T. Klauder Scholarship by the American Public Transportation Foundation (APTF)

UMD Team Awarded Grant to Support International Collaboration

New grant supports research between UMD and Politecnico di Torino, Italy in sustainable, safe, and smart infrastructures.

New Center for Integrated Transportation Systems Management

Establishment of the new Center for Integrated Transportation Systems Management (CITSM)