News Story
UMD graduate student Mr. Yanshuo Sun wins an AREMA Scholarship

Mr. Yanshuo Sun and Dr. Paul Schonfeld
AREMA 2015 Scholarship Winners
Mr. Sun received a complimentary AREMA student membership for the year 2015 in addition to the cash award and award certificate. He has also been invited to the AREMA 2015 Annual Conference, which will be held at the Minneapolis Convention Center in Minneapolis, MN.
Mr. Sun is a 3rd-year Ph.D. student advised by Prof. Paul Schonfeld and currently working on the project “Efficiency and Reliability in Freight Transportation Systems” funded by the National Transportation Center @ Maryland. He research experience includes estimating transit riders’ route choice behavior, evaluating transit travel time reliabilities, developing algorithms for optimizing rideshare services and designing phased development plans for rail transit lines. He has published 3 peer-refereed journal articles and 3 conference papers. He received his B.S. from Southwest Jiaotong University and M.S. from Tongji University in China, both in Transportation Engineering. He was also awarded the Louis T. Klauder Scholarship from the American Public Transportation Foundation (APTF) and the I-95 Fellowship from I-95 Corridor Coalition. Currently he is a doctoral candidate working on his dissertation on infrastructure planning and scheduling under uncertainties.
Published February 26, 2015