Fu, Chung C.
Research Professor
Director, Bridge Engineering Software and Technology Center
Director, Bridge Engineering Software and Technology Center
Civil and Environmental Engineering
4116 Technology Ventures Building, 5000 College Ave, College Park, MD 20740
- Ph.D., University of Maryland, 1982
- Fellow, American Society of Civil Engineers
- Fellow, Structural Engineering Institute, ASCE
- Outstanding Educator of the Year Award, American Society of Civil Engineers Maryland Chapter, 2005
- Marquis Who’s Who in Science and Engineering since 1995
- Achievement Award, Bechtel, 1984, 1985, and 1986
- Best paper "Study of the Serviceability of the Bridge during the Deck-Replacement Staged Condition," ICTPA 2018
- Highly Commendable Paper Award, First International Conference on Recent Advances in Concrete Technology, 2007
- First Price for Paper "Experiment and Numerical Modeling of Prestressed Concrete Curved Slab with Spatial Unbonded Tendons," by Owelle Ptressed Technology Development Foundation, Beijing, China, 2015
- American Concrete Institute
- American Institute of Steel Construction
- American Society of Civil Engineering
- Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute
- Society of SIGMA XI
- Transportation Research Board
- Professional Engineer, MD, VA, DC
- Computer analysis and design
- Reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete, steel, and FRP structural design
- Bridge engineering
- Bridge management
- Seismic engineering
- ENCE 455: Design of Steel Structures
- ENCE 466: Design of Civil Engineering System
- ENCE 616: Plates and Shells
- ENCE 710: Steel Structure I
- ENCE 713: Concrete Structure I
- ENCE 714: Concrete Structure II
- ENCE 715: Earthquake Engineering
- ENCE 717: Bridge Structures
- Zhao, T. and Fu, C. C. ” Infrastructure Development and Expansion under Uncertainty: A Risk Preference Based Lattice Approach,” Journal of Construction and Management, ASCE Vol. 132, No. 6, 620-625, June 2006
- Kim, Nam-Il, Fu, C. C., Kim, Moon-Young “Exact Thin-walled Curved Beam Element Considering Shear Deformation Effects and Non-symmetric Cross Sections,” International Journal of Steel Structures, Vol.6, pp.191-207, 2006
- Fu, C.C., Alayed, H., and Amde, A.M., “Field Performance of the Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Deck of a Truss Bridge,” Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE Vol. 21, No. 1 Jan/Feb, pp. 53-60, 2007
- Kim, Nam-Il, Fu, C. C., Kim, Moon-Young “Dynamic Stiffness Matrix of Non-symmetric Thin-walled Curved Beam on Two-types of Elastic Foundation,” Journal of Advances in Engineering Software, Vol.38, pp.158-171, 2007
- Kim, Nam-Il, Fu, C. C., Kim, Moon-Young “Stiffness Matrices for Flextural-Torsional/Lateral Buckling and Vibration Analysis of Thin-walled Beam, “, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol.299, pp.739-756, 2007
- Freund, F.T., Takeuchi, A., Lau, B.W.S., Al-Manaseer, A., Fu, C.C. Bryant, N.A. and Ouzounov, D., “Stimulated Thermal IR Emission from Rocks: Assessing a Stress Indicator,” eEarth, An Interactive Open Access Journal of the Earth Sciences, 2, 7-16, 2007
- Zhang, N. and Fu, C. C., “Experimental and Theoretical Studies on Composite Steel–Concrete Box Beams with External Tendons,” Engineering Structures, Elsevier Volume 31, Issue 2, February 2009, Pages 275-283
- Tseng, C. L., Zhao, T. and Fu, C. “Contingency Estimation Using a Real Options Approach,” Construction Management and Economics, Volume 27, Issue 11 2009, pages 1073 – 1087
- Fu, C.C., Zhang, N., “Investigation of the Bridge Expansion Joint Failure using Field Strain Measurement,” ASCE Journal of Performance for Constructed Facilities, September 2010
- Fu, C.C., Pan, Z.F., and Ahmed, M.S., “Transverse Post-tensioning Design of Adjacent Precast Solid Multi-beam Bridges,” ASCE Journal of Performance for Constructed Facilities, June 2010
- Pan, Z.F., Fu, C.C., and Yong Jiang, “Uncertainty Analysis of Creep and Shrinkage Effects in Long-Span Continuous Rigid Frame of Sutong Bridge,” ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, March/April 2011
- Pan, Z.F., Lü, Z, and Fu, C.C., “Experimental Study on Creep and Shrinkage of High-Strength Plain Concrete and Reinforced Concrete,” International Journal of Advances in Structural Engineering, Volume 14, Number 2 / April 2011
- Xiang, C-S, Fu, C,C., Li, H., Zhao, G-W, Ahmed, M., “Support Uplift Analysis and Monitoring of a Steel-concrete Composite Curved Pedestrian Bridge in the Course of Construction,” Periodical of Advanced Materials Research Vols. 374-377, 2012 pp 2356-2362 titled Sustainable Development of Urban Environment and Building Material Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland
- Saad, T., and Fu, C.C., “Determining Remaining Strength Capacity of Deteriorating R.C. Bridge Substructures,” ASCE Journal of Performance for Constructed Facilities, April 2013
- Wang, S. and Fu, C.C., “Simplification of Creep and Shrinkage of Segmental Bridges,” ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, Nov. 2014
- Gu, Y., Fu, C.C., and Aggour M.S., “Topographic Effect on Seismic Response of a High-pier Bridge Subjected to Oblique Incidence Waves,” Development in International Bridge Engineering 2014, p. 165-174, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland.
- Li, X., Sun, M., and Fu, C.C., “Fast assessment of hanger cables on arch-girder bridges,”Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management and Life Extension Chapter 210, CRC Press 2014 P. 1527-1534, Taylor & Francis Group, London
- Rezavandi, A., Fu, C.C., “Response of Irregular Lightly Reinforced Concrete Frame Structures in Low Seismic Zones,” Journal of Advances in Structural Engineering, June 2016
- Zhang, N., Fu, C.C., Chen, L., He, L., “Experimental Studies on Enhancing Shear Performances of Reinforced Concrete Beams using Embedded Steel Trusses,” Journal of ACI Structural Journal, July/August 2016
- Sun,M.,Zhu,J., Li, N. and Fu, C.C., “Experimental Research and Finite Element Analysis on Mechanical Property of SFRC T-Beam,” Journal of Advances in Civil Engineering, Vol 2017 Article ID2721356, 2017
- Rezavandi, A., Fu, C.C., “Drift Response of Irregular Lightly Reinforced Concrete Frames in Low Seismic Zones,” Civil Engineering Research Journal Volume 3, issue 1, Dec. 2017 Juniper Publisher
- Huang, X., Fu, C., Zhuo, W., Yan, Q., Sun, Y., “Concrete curved box girder bridge-vehicle interaction considering braking and accelerating,” International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics Vol. 18, No. 3 (2018) World Scientific Publishing Company
- Zheng, X., Fu, C.C., He, S., Hu, Da-Lin, "Application of Redundancy to Through Steel Box Tied Arch Bridge Structural System, " ICCBM 2018, Fukuoka, Japan, January 20-22, 2018, Key Engineering Materials, March 2018, TransTech Publications, DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/kem.765.261
- Yuan, Sigi; Zhao Liu; Teng Tong; and Chung C. Fu “A Pilot Study on Structural Responses of Normal Concrete-UHPC Composite Bridge Decks Rebars through an Experimental-Numerical Approach,” Advances in Civil Engineering August 2020 (2020:1-21)
- Cai, Xiao-Ning, Ni-Na Gong, Chung Fu, Yazhi Zhu, Jiang-Chuan Wu, “Seismic Behavior of Self-Centering Prestressed Precast Concrete Frame Subassembly Using Steel Top and Seat Angles,” Engineering Structures, Volume 229, February 2021
- Xu, C., Fu, C.C., Ye, Y., Hou, K.Y., Zhu, Y., “Study of the Aerodynamic Damping of Wing Plates on Traffic Signal Strudctures,” Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance, Volume 6, Issue 4, 2021
- Yuan, Siqi; Zhao Liu; Teng Tong; Chung C. Fu, “Bond behaviors between UHPC and normal-strength concrete: experimental investigation and database construction,” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 34 (1), 04021398, 2022
- Liu, X.; Fu, C.C.; Ye, Y.; Xu, C.; and Sadeghi-Bajgiran, F., “Probabilistic-Based Safety Evaluation of Maryland Sign Structures Subjected to Wind Effects,” ASCE Journal of Performance for Constructed Facilities, 36 (1), 04021102, 2022
- Zhu, Y, Hou, K., Fu, C. C., Li, N., (2021) “Finite Element Analysis and Long-term Monitoring of a Highway Overpass Bridge with Newly Constructed Link Slabs and Modified Bearings,” Transportation Research Record 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/03611981211061136
- Ye, Y., Fu, C. C., & Huang, X. (2021). Vehicle Bridge Interaction Analysis on Concrete and Steel Curved Bridges. Computational Engineering and Physical Modeling, 4(4), 94–108. https://doi.org/10.22115/cepm.2021.272934.1155
- Li, N., Hou, K.Y., Ye, Y., Fu, C.C. (2023) “Survival Analysis Using Cox Proportional Hazards Regression for Pile Bridge Piles Under Wet Service Conditions” Journal of Architectural Environment & Structural Engineering Research ISSN: 2630-5232 (Online), Vol. 6 , Iss. 2 (April 2023)