Faculty Directory

Austin, Mark A.

Austin, Mark A.

Associate Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering
The Institute for Systems Research
2261 A.V. Williams Bldg.

Ph.D. in Structural Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley in 1985. M.S. in Structural Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley in 1982. B.E. (First Class Honors) from University of Canterbury, New Zealand in 1980.

Chairman, Applications Forum Working Group, International Council of Systems Engineering. Member, American Society of Civil Engineers. Member, Association of Computing Machinery. Member, New Zealand Society of Earthquake Engineering.


Model-based systems engineering and integration; systems modeling, analysis, and design of cyber-physical systems; algorithms and computational tools for energy-efficient building simulation; semantic approaches to distributed systems behavior modeling; machine learning algorithms for observation and modeling of urban behavior; experimental software development for Whistle.

Austin is PI for new DoD Minerva Research Initiative project

Research could help spur improved institutional operations.

A Framework for Managing Urban Systems

Sachraa Borjigin explores the potential of multi-domain semantic modeling and real-time planning.

“Digital Twins” Could Help Streamline Urban Systems

Maria Coelho explores potential uses in managing water, transit.

McCuen to Receive ASCE Ven Te Chow Award

CEE Professor recognized for lifetime achievement in the field of hydrologic engineering.

Austin, Delgoshaei, Nguyen win MITRE Award at CSER

Award recognizes research that best describes leading to a transition of systems engineering research into practice.

Mark Austin wins ISR Outstanding Faculty Award

Austin is honored for his leadership in systems engineering research and education.

Austin, Petnga win Best Conference Paper Award at CSER-13

Paper explores “Ontologies of Time and Time-Based Reasoning for Model-Based Systems Engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems.”

William J. Wright Honored With 2008 AISI/AASHTO Richard S. Fountain Award

William J. Wright, Ph.D., P.E., is Recipient of 2008 AISI/AASHTO Richard S. Fountain Award

CEE Alum William J. Wright Honored With 2008 AISI/AASHTO Richard S. Fountain Award

The American Iron and Steel Industry (AISI) Steel Bridge Task Force and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Technical Committee for Structural Steel Design have named CEE Alum William J. Wright as the recipient of the 2008 Richard S. Fountain Award.