News Story
NTC@Maryland Sponsored Seminar Series: Mohamadreza Banihashemi

Dr. Mohamadreza Banihashemi, Senior Transportation Research Engineer
Dr. Mohamadreza Banihashemi, a former University of Maryland Transportation Engineering PhD. graduate, gave a talk to the ITS-ITE student group this past Thursday on a class he hopes to teach this coming Spring 2015 semester: "ENCE688F Highway Safety Fundamentals." The class will be taught conditional on the level of student interest.
His talk outlined the contents of the course: the history and trends of the study and understanding of safety; highway safety definitions and concepts, such as nominal versus substantive safety policy; types of crash studies and sources of crash data; crash prediction models; major national highway safety programs; the Highway Safety Manual (HSM) and SHRP2 database; software packages for highway safety; the Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM); implementation of the HSM in IHSDM, and the use of IHSDM and HSM in developing a sustainable highway system.
Dr. Banihashemi works as a Senior Transportation Research Engineer in the Geometric Design Lab of Turner Fairbank Highway Research Center in Mclean Virigina. His responsibilities include analyzing SHRP2 RID and providing technical support to the Federal Highway Administration Office of Safety Research and Development for IHSDM. He is involved in all aspects of the IHSDM software life cycle including software training and support.
The slides from the presentation contain much more details about each of these topics, and can be downloaded here:
Published November 23, 2014