News Story
CATT is in the Examiner

The Examiner, a Washington, D.C. newspaper recently mentioned the University of Maryland’s Center for Advanced Transportation Technology (CATT) in the article “D.C. region to coordinate on traffic, transit information.” The article discussed CATT’s Regional Integrated Transportation Information System (RITIS) and how this transportation database is changing the way traffic information is being coordinated. RITIS fuses, translates, and standardizes data obtained from multiple agencies in the region in order to provide an enhanced overall view of the region’s transportation network. Read the full article.
About CATT
The Center for Advanced Transportation Technology (CATT) at the University of Maryland, College Park was created in order to respond to the significant changes brought about by increasing use of advanced technologies in the transportation field. The CATT provides a bridge between the intelligent transportation systems (ITS) community, the information technology community, and other disciplines essential to the successful application of ITS. A permanent staff of ITS professionals and affiliated faculty of the Department of Civil Engineering supports the CATT. All offer extensive knowledge and experience in the areas of ITS technology, traffic engineering and control, systems analysis, and operations research. CATT provides an organizational umbrella for four major initiatives including CapWIN, CATT Lab, CITE, and MD T2 Center.
Visit CATT on the web at:
About the A. James Clark School of Engineering
The Clark School of Engineering, situated on the rolling, 1,500-acre University of Maryland campus in College Park, Md., is one of the premier engineering schools in the U.S.
The Clark School's graduate programs are collectively the fastest rising in the nation. In U.S. News & World Report's annual rating of graduate programs, the school is 15th among public and private programs nationally, 9th among public programs nationally and first among public programs in the mid-Atlantic region. The School offers 13 graduate programs and 12 undergraduate programs, including degree and certification programs tailored for working professionals.
The school is home to one of the most vibrant research programs in the country. With major emphasis in key areas such as communications and networking, nanotechnology, bioengineering, reliability engineering, project management, intelligent transportation systems and space robotics, as well as electronic packaging and smart small systems and materials, the Clark School is leading the way toward the next generations of engineering advances.
Visit the Clark School homepage at
Published June 20, 2008