News Story
Clark School Names Top 25 Source Schools

The listing below identifies 25 Maryland high schools that send the most students to the Clark School.
In alphabetical order, the schools are:
- Aberdeen High School
- Atholton High School
- Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community High School
- James Hubert Blake High School
- Broadneck Senior High School
- Calvert Hall College High School
- Centennial High School
- Winston Churchill High School
- Dulaney High School
- Walter Johnson High School
- Loyola Blakefield High School
- Colonel Zadok Magruder High School
- Montgomery Blair High School
- Richard Montgomery High School
- Mount Hebron High School
- Mount Saint Joseph High School
- Old Mill Senior High School
- Paint Branch High School
- Eleanor Roosevelt High School
- Sherwood High School
- Springbrook High School
- Towson High School
- Tuscarora High School
- Urbana High School
- Walt Whitman High School
- Thomas Sprigg Wootton High School
*Note that, owing to ties, there are 26 schools listed.
Published October 16, 2009