News Story
Call for Papers: NanoDay 2014

NanoDay is a scientific conference hosted by the Maryland NanoCenter on the campus of the University of Maryland. This year’s themes are the materials genome, nano-bioscience and electron microscopy.
Papers are invited in the following categories:
- Nanoparticles - Synthesis, Characterization, and Functionalization
- Inorganic Nanomaterials and Applications
- Nanomanufacturing & Hierarchial Nanoassembly
- Nanomaterials for Energy Applications
- Nanoelectronics
- Polymer & Organic Nanomaterials, Composites, and Applications
- Nano-bio: Science & Technology
- Scientific Insights at the Nanoscale
- Other
Space for posters is limited, so submit your title and summary now.
A small scientific sorting committee will check for correct classification and scientific suitability. Presenters will be notified when their paper is accepted.
Information on printing and delivering your poster will be posted soon on NanoDay 2014’s poster webpage:
Register and submit poster title:
Important dates:
April 17 – Registration open
May 23 – Submissions will close if limit is not already reached.
June 11 – NanoDay 2014, poster session 11 am-2 pm
Published April 22, 2014