Faculty Directory

Ayyub, Bilal M.

Ayyub, Bilal M.

Director, Center for Technology and Systems Management
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Center for Risk and Reliability
Maryland Robotics Center
The Institute for Systems Research
1168 Glenn L. Martin Hall

Virtual Office Hours (Fall and Spring Semesters)

  • Tue 11:00 to 12:00 pm or (other times Wed 11:00 to 12:00 pm) (email ba@umd.edu to set up time to talk by phone or connect by zoom or other virtual means)


  • Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1983


  • Measurement science for resilience and sustainability
  • Design and adaptation to a changing climate
  • Civilian and defense infrastructure resilience, risk and reliability
  • Global catastrophic risks
  • Autonomous systems and control
  • Big data and offset technology prediction

Dr. Ayyub’s main research interests and work are in risk, resilience, sustainability, uncertainty and decision analysis, applied to civil, infrastructure, energy including renewables, defense and maritime fields and climate-resilient infrastructure. Professor Ayyub is a distinguished member of ASCE and an honorary member of ASME. He is also a fellow of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME), the Structural Engineering Institute (SEI), and the Society for Risk Analysis (2017-18 Treasurer), and a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Dr. Ayyub completed research and development projects for governmental and private entities including NSF, DOD, DOT, NIST, DHS, and leading insurance and multinational corporations worldwide. Dr. Ayyub is the recipient of several awards, most recently the 2018 ASCE Alfredo Ang Award on risk analysis and management of civil infrastructure, 2019 ASCE President Medal for many efforts to bring adaptive design to the profession to help address a changing climate, 2019 ASCE Le Val Lund Award for contributions to resilience enhancement and risk reduction for lifeline-networked systems through measurement science and associated economics toward informing policy and decision-making practices, 2018 ENR Newsmaker award for passionate effort to give engineers their first formal guidance when designing infrastructure to be more resilient to weather extremes, and 2016 ASNE Solberg Award significant engineering research and development accomplishments in the field of ship survivability. 

Reliability-Based Design of Ship Structure

Principal Investigator(s) 

Ayyub, Bilal M.

The development of reliability-based design criteria for surface ship structures needs to consider the following three components: (1) loads, (2) structural strength, and (3) methods of reliability analysis.  A methodology for reliability-based design of ship structures was developed and implemented.  The methodology consists of the following two approaches: (1) direct reliability-based design, and (2) load and resistance factor design (LRFD) rules.  Reliability-based design rules were developed at several levels of structural systems that include the hull-girder, grillage, panel, plate and detail levels. This multi-year effort contributed towards the development of the American Bureau of Shipping Rules for the U. S. Navy.  Fatigue design in these rules are based on products from this research effort that first appeared in the special issue of the American Society of Naval Engineers Naval Engineers Journal.






Please see https://ctsm.umd.edu/

Professor Ayyub is the author and co-author of more than 650 publications in journals, conference proceedings, and reports and the editor-in-chief of the ASCE-ASME Journal on Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems in its two parts on civil and mechanical engineering. In addition to 15 edited books, his eight textbooks include the following: Uncertainty Modeling and Analysis for Engineers and Scientists (Chapman & Hall/CRC 2006 with G. Klir), Risk Analysis in Engineering and Economics (Chapman & Hall/CRC 2003, 2014), Elicitation of Expert Opinions for Uncertainty and Risks (CRC Press 2002), Probability, Statistics and Reliability for Engineers and Scientists, Third Edition (Chapman & Hall/CRC 2011 with R. H. McCuen), and Numerical Methods for Engineers (Prentice Hall 1996 with McCuen, 2nd edition Chapman & Hall/CRC 2016).

Please see



UMD’s Ayyub Leads Use of Climate Information for Infrastructure Adaptation

Civil and environmental engineering professor is a pioneer in climate adaptation, particularly climate-adaptive design.

UMD Civil and Environmental Engineering in Top 20

Department soars to #19 among publics in the latest USWNR graduate rankings.

Ayyub Featured in ASCE Article on Climate Resilience

UMD professor is author of two recent ASCE Manuals of Practice designed to assist engineers.

New Research Showcased at TRB

Transportation safety, impact of telecommuting among topics covered by UMD experts.

Advancing Climate-Smart Construction

Maryland Engineering partners with NOAA, ASCE to help move the needle.

Bilal Ayyub Receives ASCE Alfred Ang Award

The award recognizes contributions in risk analysis, risk management, and lifecycle economics.

Four CEE Students Named Future Faculty Fellows

The program offers unique professional development experiences designed to make participants more competitive on the faculty job market

Ayyub Named One of ENR's 2017 Top 25 Newsmakers

The list recognizes service to the construction industry and the public.

UMD Resilience Experts Offer Insights Throughout Active Atlantic Hurricane Season

The season was among the most active in records dating back to 1851.

UMD Engineers Answer Questions about Record-Breaking Harvey, Flooding

National and local news outlets turned to University of Maryland engineers for their disaster expertise.

Bilal Ayyub Chairs ASCE Infrastructure Resilience Division

The division develops resources for improving the hazard resilience of civil infrastructure and lifeline systems.

UMD’s Bilal Ayyub Named Distinguished Member of ASCE

In the society’s 165-year history, less than 700 civil engineers have been elected to this honor.

Bilal Ayyub Recognized for Research on Ship Survivability

The civil engineering professor is also the director of the Center for Technology and Systems Management.

Bilal Ayyub Elected to Society for Risk Analysis Council

The CEE professor will serve as treasurer through 2019. 

Ayyub Featured Speaker for Engineering Triennial Summit

CEE Professor Bilal Ayyub discusses topics in interoperabilitiy and resilience.

Ayyub Featured in ASCE "Engineering Resilient Communities"

CEE Professor offers expert insights on what it means to be resilient.

Ayyub Leads NIST Workshop on Building the Business Case for Disaster Resilience

More than 70 community disaster resilience experts discuss NIST economic guide

Ayyub Named to Executive Committee of ASCE Infrastructure Resilience Division

Working group addresses impact of infrastructure systems on U.S. economy, security

UMD Clark School Highlights Disaster Resilience at Mpact Week

Five-day event focused on role of engineers in disaster prevention, mitigation, and response.

UMD Researchers Lead Sustainable Construction and Manufacturing Workshop

CEE Professors Bilal M. Ayyub and Gerry Galloway help lead Measurement Science workshop.

Ayyub Founding Editor in Chief for New Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Journal

New journal on Risk and Uncertainty in engineering is the first to be jointly produced by ASCE and ASME.

Professor Bilal M. Ayyub appointed Chair of Research Committee on Risk Technology

Professor Bilal M. Ayyub appointed Chair of Research Committee on Risk Technology

UMD Hosts Symposium on Disaster Resilience Co-Sponsored by NAE, NSF

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering holds symposium on tri-state region disaster response.

Ayyub Research Featured in Washington Post, Other Venues

Study shows big impacts of potential super-storm surge on Washington, D.C.

Long-Term Sea Level Rise Could Cost Washington, D.C., Billions

Clark School study predicts damage from sea level rise brought on by global warming.

Dr. Ayyub's Research on Global Warming Highlighted by Washington Post

The study, led by Bilal Ayyub of the University of Maryland, found that even if sea level rise turns out to be at the very low end of projections, it would still cause significant damage in Washington

Professor Ayyub Gave a Presentation at DOE Workshop

His presentation was on “Uncertainty Sources, Types and Quantification Models for Risk Studies".

Professor Ayyub Spoke at the Meeting of the Association of Government Toxicologists

This seminar on “Uncertainty Sources, Types and Quantification Models for Risk Studies“ provides an overview of risk analysis and management to examine knowledge reliability based on ignorance and uncertainty analyses.

UM to host ICVRAM 2011 in April 2011

ICVRAM 2011: Joint Conference to Take Place in April 2011.

Professor Bilal Ayyub Interviewed on WAMU Metro Connection

Civil and Environmental Engineering's Professor Bilal Ayyub interview was included in the segment "The Rise of the Robots"

ASME Awarded Dr. Ayyub a Certificate of Recognition

The certificate is for Dr. Ayyub's dedicated voluntary service 2009.

CEE Professors Baecher and Ayyub Receive the Army Commander’s Award

The Commander’s Award for Public Service is the fourth highest honor the United States Department of the Army can bestow upon a civilian.

William McGill Won a Travel Scholarship

Mr. McGill is working on risk analysis for the protection of critical infrastructure funded by the Maryland Emergency Management Agency

William McGill, CEE grad, received the 2006 Student Merit Award

William McGill received the 2006 Student Merit Award

Dr. Bilal Ayyub's Certificate Of Recognition

Dr. Ayyub's Certificate of Recognition

Dr. Bilal Ayyub Honored With The ASNE President’s Award

Dr. Bilal Ayyub received the American Society of Naval Engineers President’s Award

Dr. Mark Kaminskiy Received A 2005 Research And Development Recognition Award

Dr. Mark Kaminskiy received a 2005 research and development recognition award

  • Fellow of SRA, SEI, SNAME

  • Honorary Member

  • Distinguished Member